Chapter 20

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Kai's POV

I watched as Sophie exited the school and looked around for my Charger. I honked the horn and threw my hand out the hole where a door would be. She turned her head my way and a huge grin came to her face before all but running to the car. "You have a jeep," she said, tossing her bag in the backseat.

"Yeah, my dad got it for me yesterday, as an apology gift. Strap your bag in if you don't want it flying in the wind," I said. She nodded, putting the seat belt over her bag before climbing in the front.

"An apology gift. All I get when my parents want to apologize is a bowl of fruit," she said touching the dash.

"He was supposed to be back yesterday, but he prolonged his trip. I think he heard my anger, so instead of him at the door this morning, it was a jeep. Hard to give your kid a bowl of fruit when you're never around," I said. She gave me a sad smile.

"I understand a little bit. My dad was supposed to be back from overseas last month. The person replacing him went AWOL so now he's over there another three months. It's hard without your parents, but I'm sure they love you very much, and they're proud of you. Especially since you have your first catering gig tomorrow," she said, changing the tone of her voice for the last sentence. I couldn't stop the grin from forming.

"I didn't get a chance to thank you for recommending me to your mom," I said.

"Oh no problem. When she was complaining about it, I had to slide your name in there, but remember me when you're a big shot chef with Michelin Stars and stuff," she giggled.

"How could I forget you Soph," I smiled back at her.

"Oh, can we stop at my house first," she asked.

"What about your sister? Is she coming? I've been waiting for her," I asked.

"Oh she's grounded. She has to take the bus and only gets her phone while she's at school," Sophie answered.

"Damn, well that sucks. Speaking of phones, why haven't you answered my text," I asked, trying to slide it in without sounding insecure or upset.

"Umm, let me show you why," she said before contorting herself over the seat to get to her bag.

"You have to sit back down before I can pull into the street. We already don't have doors or a roof. I need you to be buckled in."

"Okay give me one second," she said. Her voice sounded strained from the uncomfortable position she found herself in. "Whew, here you go!"

I looked at the shattered phone she handed to me. "What the hell happened to it," I asked. "Is somebody messing with you?"

"Why wouldn't me dropping it be your first guess? Who do you think is bullying me enough to shatter my phone," she giggled.

"Aaliyah," I answered with a straight face.

"Close enough. After you and Sage hung up she slammed my phone on the edge of the table. That shattered it. I don't know when my mom is going to get it fixed. So I might not have a phone for a while," she shrugged.

"You don't care," I asked, clearly more upset about it than she.

"I mean I do, but what am I supposed to do? Being mad isn't going to fix my phone screen," she said, taking the phone back from me. I started driving.

"Beat her ass at least," I answered.

"Then I'll be like you, suspended. What happened by the way," she segued smoothly.

"I don't know. I just hit them. I seen their face and I didn't like it," I answered with a semi truth. I didn't feel like she would take the complete truth well.

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