'I'm supposed to be the one dancing with father!' Jennette thought, as she secretly pouted. Yes, she was dancing with Ijekiel, but her mind can't forget the sweet platonic dance that Athanasia and Claude shared.

"Don't worry, Jennette, my dear little niece.. Later this evening, you will be a princess. The Crown Princess of Obelia, not that brat with a commoner's blood."

Jennette took a deep breath as she quietly let them all put. 'That's right.. I will become the princess tonight. Deep breaths, Jennette.'

The dance finally ended as the second dance started, and there—

"Papa, where are you going?" Athanasia asked Claude, tilting her head to the side. She didn't know if her dream was a prophetic dream, but if it was, then she had to be with Claude at the top. "You'll still watch me dance, right?"

Claude smiled as he nodded. "Of course.. I'll be here, don't worry."

"Hmmm, alright!" Athanasia beamed as she started heading to the girls who are dancing. And there, she saw Helena.

Helena was one of Jennette's friend.  The young lady with straight brown hair and shimmering jade eyes, Helena of Marquess House Irain. The only person that didn't fall inlove with Ijekiel, and miraculously lived. 'Not that i know what happened to the other girls who did liked Ijekiel.. Well, it's better to befriend her first than Jennette.'

"That white lily suits you very well." Athanasia complimented as she plastered a soft smile at her face, turning to the brunette. "May i join this dance?" she said. 'Weird.. I just thought that i've already said that.' Athanasia thought as she internally shrugged.

"O-oh!" The girl, Helena, was completely flustered at the princess complimets, curtsied. "T-thank you for gracing us with your presence, Crown Princess!" Helena stuttered, as every ladies who were dancing curtsied in manner.

Athanasia giggled at Helena's actions as she smiled. 'Her reaction's kinda cute.' "The pleasure is all mine."

And as the music started once more, every lady danced. Athanasia was pleased by the scene. In her first life, she had no one to ask to dance to. She was too gloomy, as what the other nobles would say. She didn't know what to do so she hid herself at the sides.

But now, it was her, dancing with the ladies. She was secretly eyeing Jennette the whole time, and all Jennette did was interact to people with Countess Roselia. 'They really are.. relatives by blood.' Cunning and greedy, wicked and solely wanted power.

The second dance have ended and Athanasia and her partner bowed to each other. Then, she walked towards her father.

Claude was feeling envious towards the Helena though. 'Her feet didn't get stepped in..' Claude thought as he silently sighed and watched Athanasia walked towards him. "That was graceful of you, Athanasia."

"Thank you, Papa!"

"I was worried that you might step your partner's feet too. Like what you did on mine." Claude added as Athanasia just pouted at him. Claude chuckled as he patted Athanasia's head. "Do you plan on dancing again?"

"I want to dance with Felix!" 'And Lucas too, but he said that balls aren't his thing.' Athanasia thought as she turned to Felix, who are blushing at the princess' remarks.

Although, Felix was scared that he might end up dying (Because of Claude here) but still managed to smile. Why? Because Lilian herself told the knight how it would be lovely for the princess to dance with him too. Athanasia's second father, Felix Robane.

"If Her Highness wants to, then, it would be my pleasure." Felix chimed as Claude just nodded in reply. Athanasia smiled as the song started and the two danced. Like the last two dance, everyone who saw the two dancing was in awe. Ignorant at what actually was happening.

"S-sorry Felix.." Athanasia mumbled as her face flustered. It was really embarassing for her. She even bragged to Felix how her dance teacher praise her dancing. What she didn't know was, she was hopeless dancing in pairs. "I really am.."

"It—! It's alright, Princess. It doesn't even hurt one bit." Felix said as he tried to smile genuinely, but  ended up flinching due to the princess' step on his feet. It genuinely hurt, really. Felix have heard the warning from the warlock about the princess' feet, and he didn't really believe it.

Just now.

The third dance have ended and Felix just had the face of a man, who is hurting. Physically and Mentally.

"Princess.. It may be better if you stopped dancing until you can dance in pairs without stepping one's foot." Felix stated quietly as Athanasia just nodded in agreement.

Claude, on the other hand, just chuckled at Felix's misery. Part of why he agreed to let Athanasia and Felix dance was because he wanted his childhood friend to feel the pain that he felt. Part of it was, for the fun of it. Felix glanced at the emperor's expression and it was betraying towards him.

'I feel like His Majesty did this on purpose.. Not that he can say no to the Princess.' Felix thought as he watched the princess walked towards Claude, pointing the area at the top where they can watch the people dancing.

And where Claude and Athanasia will be watching Jennette as the Countess reveal her. Athanasia smiled widely as Claude nodded, as they ascended the stairs. As they got to to the top, Athanasia can see the lively mood of everyone in the ballroom. And there, Countess Rosalia and Jennette, walking from below, as they stopped where the two imperial members can see them.

"Greetings to the your majesty, the sun of Obelia. This Jennette de Alger Obelia. Your daughter with my sister, Penelope Judith."

'It has begun.'

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