ao. five

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Chapter Five


❝ Jennette Margarita ❞

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Jennette, who were told in young age that she was a princess, and Claude's beloved daughter are deeply furious. In the age of five, she can't help but to feel greedy and envy towards her little sister, Athanasia. Her Aunt Rosalia always tells her that she's the crown princess, she always tell her that.

'But why is Mister and Lady being invited to the princess coronation?' Jennette, with an innocent look at her face looked at the couple with confusion. 'I'm supposed to be the Crown Princess. Aunt Rosalia told me so.'

And so, Jennette really can't help it but to loathe her younger sister. She wanted to have the emperor's attention, but now, it'll only be on Athanasia. She deserved to be called Princess Jennette de Alger Obelia, not Lady Jennette Margarita.

Jennette ran away as she went back to her room and continued what she was doing. Daydreaming about the things she'll do when she became a princess. On what she and her father will do without Athanasia.

"Jennette de Alger Obelia." Jennette mumbled to herself as she sat on her desk and took out her crayons and paper to draw. "I'm a princess. And my jewel blue eyes are the proof of it." she continued, drawing her and Claude holding hands together with happy faces.

On the other hand, Athanasia is secretly frowning. She's not good with people giving her too much attention because she was just ignored back then. It was a new sight for her. She was, annoyed.

'Somehow, i hate how they treat me right now. It's annoying.' Athanasia thought as she turned onto her father's back. 'I'll just use father to shield myself. I hate their stares.'

And by that, some squealed and others just furrowed their eyebrows. Until the emperor glared towards all of them. He's scary, especially when he's agitated and mad. Athanasia knew that very well. She experienced the fear back then.

Jennette was the only person he's soft to. So, Athanasia treated Jennette better. Because if Jennette is sad, she's sure that her dad would also be sad and mad. She doesn't want him to be neither of those.

'That's why if i knew that there's poison on Jennette's drink, i'll definitely drink it.' Athanasia thought, unconsciously gripping her father's trousers.

Claude glanced at the little princess as she looked like she was frowning. Claude glared at the nobles as they all turned around in fear. He then, gently held Athanasia's hands as he picked the little princess up to his embrace. Claude noticed how Athanasia tensed up a little as Athanasia looked at him with sad eyes and confusion.

'You never did this to me..' Athanasia thought as she just stared at her father. 'Why..?'

"Do you want to rest now?" Claude questioned making Athanasia nod unconsciously while she's deep in thoughts. Claude started walking to the ballroom's gigantic door. "Felix, get ahead of us and ready the carriage. Athanasia is feeling tired now. Also inform the maids of the Emerald Palace to prepare her bed."

"Yes, your majesty." Felix replied as he bowed at Claude and walked away.

Athanasia looked at Claude for a moment as she leaned into him. It might be out of character for her, but she still is the Athanasia who yearned for her father's love. If Claude is acting nice towards her, then she'll take the opportunity to take it.

'Father feels really warm.. I feel sleepy.' Athanasia yawned, as Claude gently held her head to his shoulders. Athanasia dozed off as Claude walked through the hallways of the main palace.

As Athanasia sleep, she dreamt of her sister, Jennette and herself, with a bright smile in her face. The both of them are petting some kind of beast with black fur and light blue stripes. The two of them are happy until she coughed blood, and a white light covered them as the beast exploded.

It was a horrific sight, but what caught her eye is what happened next. It was her father, running towards her, despite the danger of dying. She didn't knew what to feel, only tears left her eyes. Why is he running towards her when Jennette might be in danger? That, Athanasia can't answer.

Claude noticed Athanasia silently whimpering as tears fell off her eyes. He was worried for a second as he touched the little princess forehead and sighed. 'I hope she'll help you sleep better.' Claude thought as he finally reached the outside with their carriage on ready.

Then, a platinum blond haired woman with pink eyes suddenly appeared in Athanasia's dream. She was dancing graciously. It was like, she's a fairy. And her name is Diana, a dancer from Siodonna.

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