Chapter 46

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The next day, the Demon King called Bai Yang to the main hall.

When Bai Yang arrived, the Demon King was reading a book, and seeing him, he cooly said: "You're here."

Bai Yang responded, "Yes, I'm here. What might Your Highness be calling me for?"

The Demon King put the book down, grunted, and said, "According to my guard, you and Hua Fei Hua had a good time together in your room last night?"

Bai Yang: "..."


Bai Yang: "We didn't! Hua Fei Hua just asked me about you, since I'm the only one able to cross the barrier to see you."

The Demon King raised an eyebrow, "Oh, is that so?"

"It is so." Bai Yang said, honestly, "I listen to your orders, and didn't reveal anything." "Really?"


The Demon King stared at him for a moment, but Bai Yang's expression stayed the same, so the Demon King said, "It's a special time right now. As the enemy army approaches, it's better not to spend your energy on philandering."

Bai Yang: "..."

He felt wronged, stating: "My lord, I haven't."

"You may go." The Demon King said lightly. Bai Yang didn't know if the Demon King actually listened to him, so he walked out into the main hall, discouraged.

Over the next few days, the atmosphere in the city grew in tension, and people became anxious. Everyone worried that the Western Demon army would invade any day. During this period, two more low-rank leaders turned to the Western Demon Lord.

Only Bai Yang lived, ate and drank as he should. He messed around without a care in the world, but he couldn't let the Demon King find out.

He found it weird that he was worrying about the Demon King being angry with him for fooling around with women. Xie Ze Tian was so crude and flirtatious that it would be weirder for him not to harass beautiful people.

However, recalling the dark expression on the Demon King's face when he caught Bai Yang red-handed, and his reminder to him not to mess around, Bai Yang felt he should be more careful. Just like that, it was seven days before people realized things were off, and unusual. The Western Demon Lord occupied an overwhelming force, a lot of people had arrived and could attack at any moment, yet hadn't struck.

Even stranger was what Demon King was doing. It was rumored that he had been injured, but locked himself away in the palace, not doing anything. The Demon King had been the ruler of the Demon world for over 4000 years, his power was spoken through all the Demon Realm. A siege should, theoretically, be a big deal, so why weren't there reinforcements?

Everyone caught a whiff of something fishy.

The Demon King wasn't doing anything, and not only that, but according to Hua Fei Hua's spies, the Western Demon Lord's army was anxiously awaiting further orders. With the situation as it was, it would be best to end the battle quickly. If reinforcement arrived and surrounded them, they'd be the ones hopelessly trapped. Thus, many demon lords. had spoken up, demanding to siege the city.

But they were stopped by the Western Demon Lord.

This continued until the seventh day, when the demon lords' complaints grew louder. Three of the demon lord generals couldn't wait any longer, and enlisted a small group from the army to move about freely. The other demon lords showed signs of following suit.

As soon as the fighting began, the Demon King's side had no more deserters or traitors. Everyone was ready to fight to the death. Under the circumstances, the barrier around the main palace hall was withdrawn and the Demon King walked out in full vigor. There was no sign of injury or weakness on him.

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