A New Friend, Maybe? (Sabriel)

Start from the beginning

"I don't like fanfiction."

"Well, then it's a good thing I collected other genres, isn't it? You'll find something you like. Trust me!"

". . ."

"Well, have fun then! I'm gonna check on your brother."




Laying on the bed, I take a drink of the alcohol I found in the mini fridge. I'm reading a book of interesting animal fun facts.

"Did you know that a moose can shed its antlers?" I jumped, shooting a surprised look at Gabriel, who continued, "I didn't know that until. . . I don't remember. But apparently around mating season it's meant to intimidate rivals!"

"What the hell are you doing here?"

"I got bored of watching Dean. He's alright by the way."

I sighed in relief, but then a thought occurred to me.

"Why keep me here? You do realize Dean will find me, right?"

"Yeah, I know! I don't understand how you guys manage to even find each other. I've been watching you for a while and, I gotta say, I'm kind of impressed."

"Why would you be watching us. . ."

"You guys are entertaining!"

"Really? Me and Dean? Entertaining?"

"Yup! Especially seeing as how you two are both idiots who manage to get themselves into and, somehow, out of trouble. Speaking of which, you haven't even tried to escape have you? Be honest."

"I was checking for a way out, yes. But never found it. Wait, why am I telling you?"

"I don't know, I didn't even do anything," Gabriel says, shrugging.

"You said Dean's alright. What about Cas?"

"Of course he's fine! He spent a lot of his time around me ever since he was created! He's learned from the best!"

"Really? You two are so different though."

"Surprising, isn't it? Castiel is a sweet, innocent angel that, unfortunately, trusts people much to easily, and I'm a bad influence."

Gabriel then walks up to me and lays down right beside me. I look at him confused. "Let me see what page your on!" he demands, sliding himself closer to me. He turns to lay down on his side, again sliding closer.

He hugs me, laying his head on my shoulder.

"What are you doing?"

"Getting comfortable. Hoping to get to read this with you."

"But why?"

"Never mind that, just read," he insisted.

I shrugged off Gabriel's weird behavior. Maybe this comes off as normal for angels? I mean, Cas tends to invade people's personal space pretty often. Maybe he believes that's normal.

"Castiel is a young, naive angel. So, yeah- That might be my fault. I would have him observe couples with me, so I guess he saw it as a normal human thing."

"Why would you watch couples?"

"Feelings are usually involved Sammy. Feelings create drama, in which I am more than happy to start myself if I get bored."

"Ah, that would explain it."

Gabriel hugs me tighter, his focus back on the book as I turn the page.

"Can we be friends at least? I know you probably wouldn't want to since I kidnapped you. But, you already feel like my first friend in a long time, ever since Lucifer and Castiel. . . Please?"

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