While Quasimodo was delayed by his friends, the gypsy boy caught up with him. The gargoyles quickly become still as the gypsy walks through the entryway.

"Here you are," the boy pants. "I was afraid I'd lost you."

Quasimodo turns around and anxiously coughs into a fist. 

"Yes! Well, I uh-I have chores to do, i-i-it was nice seeing...you...again...ohh."

The boy groans miserably as he stumbles over his words, turning back around and fleeing up a flight of wooden stairs to a loft. 

"N-no wait!" Esmeralda reaches out to stop the hunchback, following after him when he doesn't stop. The heroes, momentarily distracted when the short gargoyle unfreezes to scare the goat by making kissy faces, return their attention to following the gypsy and the hunchback. 

The gypsy, obviously concerned about the hunchback, continues to follow him determinedly. He gracefully ascends the stairs after Quasimodo, lifting his sash with one hand while the other holds the guard rail.

"I'm really sorry about this afternoon; I had no idea who you were. I would never in my life have let Clopin pull you...onto the..."

Esmeralda, seeing the sight of the loft, was momentarily speechless

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Esmeralda, seeing the sight of the loft, was momentarily speechless. His amazement is heard as he reaches the top of the stairs.  


The heroes are also surprised; the loft was incredible. Covered in handmade knickknacks and pottery, it was truly an impressive sight. The loft opened up to a balcony, and at the end laid a table covered in carvings of the whole town. The houses, shops, and people, even animals were made to represent the small village. Above the table was a handmade chime, made with shards of colored glass. It shines reflections of light around the room, covering it with a warm glow. 

Esmeralda walks further into the room, admiring everything with wide eyes. 

"What is this place," the boy breaths out softly. 

"This is...where I live," Quasimodo responds haltingly.

"Did you...make all these things yourself?" Esmeralda gestures to everything around him, laughing a little in amazement. 

"Most of them."

"This is beautiful." 

Esmeralda gently caresses the glass shard windchime, looking down at the table below it. 


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Young Justice : GypsyWhere stories live. Discover now