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(y/n) opened his eyes as he heard knocking coming from downstairs. Someone was at the front door. He closed his eyes again, assuming someone else would get the door. "Take me sleep" he whispered before heading the front door open.

"Hi!" The boys eyes opened again at the voice. Why would she use the front door instead of the window like usual? "Is (y/n) here?"

"Upstairs" the voice of one of his little sisters replied, followed quickly by the closing of the front door. "(Y/n)! Girl!" The boy groaned, he had hoped to avoid the constant teasing this would no doubt cause.

He pulled his blanket over his head and listened as he could hear Kamala walking up the stairs. She should get less squeaky shoes... or they should get less squeaky floors. Maybe both.

"(Y/n)?" A knock on his door. He heard it open and peaked out from his sheets to see Kamala sticking her head inside. "Good morning!" She walked inside and closed the door behind her.

Kamala was currently wearing a dark grey t-shirt with a tie fighter on it and a pair of blue jeans.

"Tiring morning" (y/n) corrected her as he put the blanket once again over his head. "My siblings started summer vacation"

Kamala walked over to the boy and sat by the foot of the bed. "Right. I didn't think anyone besides you would be here. That's why I used the door"

(Y/n) nodded in response. "Alright. I'll have to deal with that later. For now though can you leave?"

Kamala's smile quickly turned into a frown. "But I thou-"

"I'm not kicking you out of the house, just this room!" (Y/n) was quick to specify. "I just need to get dressed and pray"

Kamala let out a laugh and nodded. "Right. Yeah. Go and do that" she smiled before standing up and walking towards the door.

(Y/n) slowly got out of bed and proceeded to get dressed.

A little over half an hour later (y/n) walked out of his room and looked around for Kamala. She was nowhere in sight. (Y/n) listened to the sounds of the house before deducing that she was in the kitchen with at least one of his siblings. "This can't end well for me" he sighed before walking towards the stairs.

A minute later (y/n) walked into the kitchen. Sitting in there were Kamala and his two sisters, Eliana and Miriam. He watched from the doorway as the group talked. "And then (y/n) said-"

"(Y/n) said stop telling embarrassing stories about him or he'll beat you into next week" the three girls quickly turned to see him.

"You'd hit a girl?" Kamala asked curiously.

"In a second" (y/n) replied as he glared at his sisters. "So shut it"

"Fine. Let's talk about your girlfriend then" Eliana smirked as she motioned to Kamala.

(Y/n) glanced at Kamala. "You told them?"

Kamala sighed and facepalmed. "Nope"

"But you just did" Miriam stood smirked. She and Eliana were almost identical twins. The only difference between the two being that Miriam was blonde and Eliana was a brunette.

"I can't believe I fell for that" (y/n) wasn't even mad at his sisters, he was just disappointed in himself. "That was the oldest trick in the book and I walked right into it"

"Being in a relationship has made you vulnerable" Miriam spoke as she smirked. "Now here's what's gonna happen-"

"Your really going to try blackmailing someone who's one lab accident away from being a super villain?" (Y/n) crossed his arms as Kamala laughed a bit at the thought of him being a villain. "Shut up. It can happen"

"Sure, it totally can" Kamala put her hand over her mouth.

"Anyways" Eliana brought the topic at hand back. "First we need your credit card. Then we need a ride to the mall"

"No and no" (y/n) kept his arms crossed and sat down at the table next to Kamala. "You're going to forget any of this ever happened"

"Or I can just call mom and tell him you're dating a... what are you?" Miriam whispered the last part.

"I'm Muslim" Kamala replied.

"A Muslim! I'll tell her" she pulled her phone out of her pocket only for (y/n) to quickly snag it. "Hey! Give that back"

"You can have it back once you're strong enough to take it back" he shoved the phone into his pocket before turning to look at his other sister.

"Hey, I'm cool. I'm cool" she held her hands up in surrender. "I didn't realize you were dating outside the religion. I don't want to get you in that much trouble"

"You thought she was a Jew?" Miriam asked curiously. "Look at her"

"I assumed she was Sephardi" Eliana replied with a shrug.

(Y/n) nodded. "Okay that's actually a good cover story for the future"

"What's Sephardi?" Kamala asked.

"There's a lot of backstory there. Basically Ashkenazi are usually whiter while Sephardi are more middle eastern looking. Like you" Kamala nodded in understanding. "They also have much more lax rules which I'm totally not jealous of at all"

Miriam leaned over towards Kamala and whispered. "They can eat rice on Passover. He's been jealous of that since he found out about it"

"Gotcha" Kamala nodded, only half understanding what they were talking about now.

"Anyways if mom and dad or either of the boys find out about this I'll smash your phone" (y/n) pat his pocket that held Miriam's phone. "Understand?" The girl nodded quickly. "Good. Let's go Kamala" he stood up.

"Wait! I need my phone. How else am I gonna entertain myself" Miriam crossed her arms.

(Y/n) smirked before reaching into his pocket. He pulled out a watch and threw it to her. "There are twelve numbers on that. Knowing you that should take at least twelve hours for you to read" the girl glared at him.

Kamala looked up at the boy with a laugh. "Maybe you could be a supervillain" he offered her his hand and she took it before standing up.

"So what's the plan for the day?" (Y/n) asked curiously as he and Kamala exited the room.

"I figured we'd see a movie but I don't know how anything could beat seeing the way you interact with your sisters" Kamala laughed a bit more.

"Yeah I am pretty cruel" the boy smiled fondly at the girl. "Thank you for noticing"

Word count: 1173

(Not gonna lie, even though this will be a short one I think this may end up one of my best books. Also halfway through "Star Wars: shadow of the sith" and this characters below has quickly become one of the best characters of the new republic era. Making a LEGO figure of her now. Love her whole concept (or what I've seen picked up on her concept so far since I'm not finished with the book))

 Love her whole concept (or what I've seen picked up on her concept so far since I'm not finished with the book))

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