Search Your Feelings

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"Help me, Obi-Wan Kenobi. You're my only hope" (y/n) glanced down at the cover of the book in his hands and sighed as he thought of his current predicament.

Shabbat had started once again a couple hours ago but the only thing on the boys mind was Kamala Khan. He groaned and leaned back against the back of his chair. "You sacrificed being with the woman you loved to stay a Jedi, how do I do that?"

He watched the picture of the Jedi but the only things that he heard didn't help. "Alright." the word rang through his head. "Had you said the word, I would have left the Jedi Order" the Jedi's words didn't help with this situation.

"I wish I had friends that I could talk about this with" (y/n) crossed his arms uncomfortably after putting the book on the desk. All of the boys Jewish friends were richer than he, so they were mostly all on some sort of vacation or getaway.

The boy tried to simplify everything in his mind. How could he get into a relationship someone outside his religion? And how could he ask Kamala to do the same? He doubted either of them would ever agree to convert. "Sometimes we're loyal to more than one thing. When there's a conflict, we have to choose which loyalty to honor." The quote from the book "Lost Stars" sprang to mind immediately. It still didn't help him make up his mind.

(Y/n) wasn't a complete idiot. He knew that Kamala felt the same way and was struggling with the same things he was. She had made it painfully clear, whether she was aware of that or not, that she had feelings for him as well. "Fuck" he muttered as he placed his hand on his forehead.

The boy stood up once he realized he wouldn't be able to figure this out tonight. He walked over to his bed and lay down.

As the clock hit midnight a quarter of an hour later the boys light turned itself off and he closed his eyes.

Jersey City, the morning

"Ugh" Kamala laid back on her bed as she stared at her phone. She stayed silent before groaning again. "Ugh!"

"Stop it with the ugh's Kamala" Nakia spoke as she walked into the room. She whipped off her hijab before falling onto the bed next to Kamala.

"What's wrong with you?" Kamala asked with a confused look. "I'm the one who's supposed to be mopey until I figure out what to do"

"Oh please" Nakia shook her head. "You already decided what you're going to do. You're just scared about how people will react" Nakia looked over to see Kamala turn her head and look out her window. She placed her hand on Kamala's own. "I can't say I know how everyone else will react, but I can tell you that I will support your decision"

Kamala turned back to Nakia with a smile and quickly pulled her into a hug. "Thank you" she whispered causing Nakia to smile as well.

Bergenfield, same time

"Search your feelings" the words rang through the boys head. "You will know what to do" (y/n) opened his eyes as his dream ended. He rubbed his eyes and yawned as he stared at the glow in the dark star stickers on his ceiling, they weren't glowing now since it was light out.

(Y/n) slowly sat up and held his back as pain rang through it. "I'm to young for this" he muttered as he slowly stood up.

Once the boy was up and dressed a few minutes later he grabbed his Kippah from atop his dresser and placed it on his head.

He stared out the window a couple more moments before sighing. "Screw it. This is my life, I don't have to think about anyone else's opinions" he turned and walked towards the door. "I've made my decision" there was a hint of skepticism in his voice but he continued onwards anyways.

He pulled his phone from his right pants pocket and opened his texts.

Y/n: can we meet up?

The text went unanswered for a moment before the boy noticed the little bubble at the bottom of the screen that indicated the other was typing their response.

Sloth Gal: Jersey city or Bergenfield?

The boy considered the question before sending his response.

Y/n: Central Park. Where we had dinner the night we met.

(Y/n) turned his phone off and slid it into his pocket before leaving.

Central Park, an hour and a half later

(Y/n) sat in silence on the bench he and the girl had eaten at when they first met. He had been waiting for the girl for a while although that was to be expected, she did live much farther than he did after all.

"(Y/n)!" the boy turned his head to see Kamala walk up to him with a smile. She wore a black shirt with her logo and a pair of jeans. Her head held atop it a white bucket hat with a sloth face on the front. She smiled at him before sitting down beside him. "Let's talk" she spoke with a serious tone of voice.

(Y/n) nodded as he let out a nervous sigh. "Look, we both have feelings for each other. That much is obvious"

Kamala nodded as she looked away shyly. "The question is should we act on them?"

(Y/n) nodded and continued. "I don't know about you, but I am willing to give this a try. My family may not like it at first but I'm sure they'd come around if given time"

Kamala nodded but was silent. She stared ahead of herself for a moment before letting out a sigh. "I- I'm not sure how my family will react" Kamala started to tear up. "I do know however that I do want to give us a shot" she turned with a small smile towards (y/n). He smiled back and wiped her tears away with his thumb.

"Kamala..." the boy tried to think of the right words to say. "From everything you and Nakia have told me about your family I know that they really love you... my parents have always been... distant to say the least. Yours have not, they love you" he wrapped his arms around Kamala and pulled her into a hug.

Kamala smiled and returned the hug happily as she closed her eyes. "Thank you (y/n)" she whispered. They stayed like that for a while, not wanting to the moment to end.

Word count: 1128

(Question of the day: What's your opinion on the Oxford comma? I'm all for it)

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