Whom (Elijah Mikaelson)

ابدأ من البداية

"Elijah, have I told you lately how much I fucking love you?" He just laughed.

I was smiling up at him when he came to a stop, the smile instantly dropping off his face. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, then turned to look at whatever he was staring down so seriously.

I found three men walking towards us slowly from the far end of the alley, their eyes absolutely locked on Elijah. Elijah clenched his jaw then dropped my hand, taking a step to stand in front of me.

"Y/N, I need you to listen to me very carefully and do exactly as I say," he started, his voice deadly calm and his eyes never leaving the men ahead of us. "You're going to turn around and run out of here as fast as you can, get back to your apartment, and stay there. Do not look back, do not open the door for anyone. Do you understand?"

"Under- no, Elijah, I don't understand! What's happening? Who are those guys, and why are you so freaked out by them? I'm not just leaving you here without any help!"

"Y/N, I promise you I can handle this. But I need you to get out of here, now."

"Elijah, no-!"

I stopped short as the guy in the lead rushed forward, appearing in front of Elijah so fast I must've flinched and not seen him move. He swung at Elijah, but Elijah caught his arm mid-swing and absolutely clocked him in the face.

And his face.... His face...

I stared in shock at the scene in front of me as the other two guys rushed to join the fight. I took a few steps back as all three of them faced Elijah, giving me just as good a look at them.

Their faces weren't human. Their eyes were dark, with black veins running under them and through their cheeks, pulsing unnaturally. And their mouths... their teeth had turned into fangs.

All I could do was stare in horror as the fight continued. My heart stopped in my chest as the three attackers moved with unnatural speed, and I opened my mouth to scream for my boyfriend, but apparently I didn't need to. Elijah caught every punch and kick with unnatural speed of his own, and returned with a blow that sent the men reeling.

I took a few more steps back.

As the whirlwind of blows continued, Elijah turned enough that I caught sight of his face for the first time since the fight had begun.

His face looked exactly the same as the three men he was fighting. Dark eyes, black veins, fangs, and all.

I couldn't hold back a gasp as I scrambled a few more steps away from the fight. Even though it shouldn't have been possible, apparently Elijah heard it. He turned to me, his eyes still that horrifying, unrecognizable color, and I knew he saw the terror on my face.


Before he could continue, one of the guys attacked him again, and he was forced to turn his attention back to the fight. My mind reeled as I tried to process the scene before me, but I couldn't.

My heart raced as I backed up faster and faster, my panic quickly slipping the leash I'd been trying to keep it on. Once I reached the mouth of the alley, I turned and did what Elijah'd been asking me to do in the first place. I ran for home.

Even with the bright sun in the middle of the day, every person or hint of movement I saw on the run back to my apartment felt like a threat waiting to pounce. Every time my brain tried to start processing what I'd seen, it couldn't. It just shut down all over again, until I could only focus on putting one foot in front of the other.

Finally, I burst through the door of my apartment, slamming and locking it behind me. I backed away from the door, breathing heavily and trying to make sense of everything racing through my mind at a thousand miles an hour. What the hell had I just seen? This couldn't be real, could it?

TVD/TO Oneshotsحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن