It's Ok

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I again came out of the projector room to inform them that this was about Sam. 

Sam straightens up after reading the note. How much worse can it get than his brother's?

The video starts out with a black background and Sam Winchester written in the middle. The letters change to It's ok. It shows Sam in bed without a shirt facing a blond. "I miss you so much," Sam says solemnly.

The camera switches to Jessica. "I know." She responds.

"What does that mean?" Sam asks tearing in his eyes. Sam doesn't answer; he avoids his pasts self's eyes. Dean puts his hand on his shoulder in silent support.

Keep me here

The scene changes to show a younger Sam in a tux with flowers in his hand. He stands in front of a tombstone with Jessica's name written on it.

"No, no, no. Please. Please let this not be real! Please. I can't lose you! Please." Sam sobs with pain evident in his eyes. Jess just hugs him with tears in her own eyes. Sam turns to his older elf. "Tell me this isn't real!" Sam shouts with tears streaming down his face. Sam avoids his gaze and that gives Sammy his answer. he sobs into Jess's arms.

My heart is near

My love has gone away

The scene changes to Sam screaming "No!"  on a bed facing the ceiling. The camera shifts to show Jessica on the ceiling with blood on her stomach. Fire consumes her.

Sam fights against Dean; trying to get to Jessica. "No! Jess! No!" He screams.

Sam stands up and out of his chair. He tries to move towards the screen with his arm outstretched to Jessica. He curls in on himself when the camera shifts to him. He collapses on his knees and bows his head.

Dean and Jessica move toward him. Dean hugs him tightly while, Jessica blocks his view and moves in front of him. She wraps her arms around his shoulders and buries his head in her neck.

"It's ok. It's ok. I'm still here." Jessica tells him. Sam wraps his own arms around her and pulls her close.

After a few minutes, they all head back and sit down to continue. 

Sam looks down while tears stream down his face. He might not be in love with Jess but he will always love her no matter what. Dean pulls Sam into his chest while Cas puts a hand on his shoulder.

Tell me true

The scene changes to Sam kneeling in front of Jessica's tombstone. "I should have protected you," Sam mutters with tears on the brink of falling.

"Hey, it's not your fault," Jessica tells Sam. Except Sam had that same dream over and over again. So yes maybe if he just listened she wouldn't have died.

"Yeah, it is," Sam whispers to himself having heard Jessica. "Hey. No, it's not. It's the demon's fault, not yours. Never yours," Dean sternly tells his brother. Sam just nods not wanting to argue

It shows Sam in a mirror with blood pouring out of his eyes. "How could you leave her alone to die?" The mirror asks.

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