"You have some guests." He answered. Judy gave Marcus a nod, who hit the button the side of his desk that triggered the opening of the cave door. A few short moments later, two men walked in, wearing matching black pants and shirts, Kyle followed them. Judy hadn't heard or seen him in a while. He really served as the only other point of connection between Judy and the mystery client. 

"Kyle, what are you doing here?" She asks him. 

"I have a lot of money riding on your success today." The client answered for him. "Kyle and his team are here to make sure there's no funny business."

"What funny business?" Judy asks. 

"The 5.2 micro quake you created for our pilot was impressive. But today, I need you to triple the output of the seismic activity."

"Triple? You can't be serious." Marcus says. "That would no only destroy the plant but..."

"We'll get it done." Judy held a finger to silence Marcus. 

"I'm happy to hear that." The client says. 


"Why is he never available when we need him." Alex sighs after his dad didn't answer his call.

"Go easy on him. Maybe he's out on a mission." Brooke says. "You two should be happy your mom is alive."

"I'll be happy when I see her." Alex says. "I don't know how I'll get through this day."

"Look, I think we should each go our own separate ways before people get suspicious." Leo suggests. 

"Remember we have a game in less than an hour." Daniel adds. 

"That's right." Brooke says. "It's your first game back since your injury." 

"Yeah, and my mom will be there. We can keep an eye on her." Daniel says.

"Great, we'll all go to your game." Leo nods. "Let's go." 

"Oh, wait, hang on." Daniel says, stopping everyone who had just stood up to leave. "Let's think about this for a minute. We all busted out butts to figure out what's going on. We're so close to stopping them."

"Do just expect us to let them hurt Ryan?" Leo asks. 

Well, don't go around putting words in my mouth." Daniel rolls his eyes. "I'm just saying we don't know what they're planning. We could be very sorry we did nothing to stop them." 

"We've made our decision, Daniel." Leo says. 

"We?" Daniel asks. "Because it sounds like you made the decision for everyone."

"Well, someone had to stop your mother." Leo says. 

"What did you just say?" Daniel asks. At this point the two were in each others faces. 

"If it wasn't for your mom, we wouldn't be here in the first place." He says.

"Are you kidding me? I've been spying on my mom the whole time!" Daniel shoved Leo backwards into Hayley. Alex jumped in front of Daniel while Hayley held on to Leos arm to try and keep the two apart.  "I can't believe you want to give up like a bunch of losers!"

"I keep forgetting you're not very good at understanding complex situations!" Leo screams back. 

"Stop it!" Hayley yells to the two of them. 

"Hey! Shut it! Someone's going to hear you guys!" Through Daniel and Leo screaming at each other, no one had noticed Kiara walk through the door.

"Kia, you shouldn't be here." Daniel says after the room died down for a couple seconds. 

Traitor - Alex Woods - Greenhouse Academy (Seasons 1 and 2 completed)Where stories live. Discover now