The Workshop - Part 1

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"Guys, it's time for our weekly house meeting!" Sophie calls to the clubhouse of her Eagles. They all sat around the couches and chairs, still ignoring her. Alex stood and walked over to the main couches where they always had the meetings, but no one else moved. "Hello? It's time! You can obviously hear me."

Daniel had left to go on a run and Brooke waved goodbye to him before walking back into the main room of the clubhouse.

"Hey, listen, I need your help." Sophie walks up to her. "We have to stop this nonsense."

"Don't look at me." Brooke says. "I told you not to send in that video." 

"What's the matter with you?" Sophie asks. "You're my best friend." 

"You refused to listen to me. What kind of friend does that?" Brooke asks back.

"Hey. I'm here for the house meeting." Alex joins them. "The manual says a meeting can be officially held as long as a captain and two members are present."

"Woah, don't count me," Brooke backs away. "I'm not apart of this."

"Looks like you only got one member." Parker teases from his video game.

"Shut up, Parker." Kiara had walked in from the kitchen area over to her captain. "Now you have two."

"Thank you guys." Sophie gratefully sighs. 

"Don't worry, we got you Soph." Kiara says.

"Yo!" Parker stands from his game. "What do you think you're doing?" 

"Parker, we all get the point." Alex says. "She said she was sorry. Let's just move on."

"Excuse me?" Parker asks. "No one asked for your opinion, all right? She betrayed us, now she has to pay."

"I don't think she did anything to anyone but you." Kiara adds. "She is sorry, and now you're getting everyone in here to ignore her like a bunch of children."

"I didn't ask for your opinion either." Parker points one finger at her.

"Hey!" Alex pushed his hand away. "Would you just let it go already! You're just mad because she rejected you." 

"What did you say to me!" The two boys now in each others face, yelling a some light shoving, had to be broken up by Sophie and Kiara just before Louis yelled from the door.

"What is going on! This the kind of house meeting you're running captain?" Louis stood in the door with none other that Michelle Wallace standing behind him. 


"What is this place?" Hayley says while Daniel closed the door behind them. "The place that time forgot?" 

"You want a place no one goes to in the Greenhouse?" Daniel asks. "The old Biology Lab, now it's a storage room."

"For storing what?" Hayley looks around the dusty old room. "Dead bodies?" Hayley notices and only whiteboard on a rolling easel in the corner and rolls it over to the middle of the room, "Yeah that's fine. Don't help me."

"You got it." Daniel shrugs. 

"Now we can start working." Hayley searches around the easel. "Where are the markers?" 

"Here you are." Daniel reaches to hand her a marker he pulled from his pocket. 

"Do you always carry a marker with you?" Hayley asks, taking the marker in her hand. 

"It's not just a marker, it's one of Louis's inventions. Try it out." Daniel motions to the board and Hayley writes 'The investigation begins.' "Now give it back." After Hayley handed him the marker, he hits a button on the bottom and the writing disappears.

Traitor - Alex Woods - Greenhouse Academy (Seasons 1 and 2 completed)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz