Guilt-Free Cupcakes - Part 1

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Not to much time had passed before Kiara and Brooke sat in the Headmasters office, anxiously waiting for someone to tell them what was happening. Louis stood in the room glaring at the both of them when, Eric, and FBI agent walked in. 

"Okay, We've confirmed then man you met was in fact the missing park ranger." He explains.

"What happened to him?" Brooke asks. 

"We think he must have had a mild stroke and got lost in the woods, suffering from dehydration and amnesia." Eric answers. 

"Good thing I let you come with me." Brooke says to her best friend. 

"Yeah, probably only broke my knuckle and that guys nose for you." Kiara laughs. "So you're welcome."

"What were you two doing out there in the first place? You know there is curfew." Louis asks. Kiara looked at Brooke to let her explain. 

"I thought I saw a flickering light." She lied. "I was curious."

"Why didn't you come to me instead of wandering around in the dark?" Her dad asks. 

"I didn't want to bother you." 

"You didn't want to bother me!" Louis yells "You could have been killed my a lunatic."

"I'm sorry dad."

"Actually it'd be better if you all alert me instead." Eric said handing Kiara his business card. "This is my direct line. Don't hesitate to call. Anytime." 

"Thank you but I'm sure that won't be necessary." Louis said. "At least this park ranger saga is over. I'll walk you to your car." 


"Brooke!" Daniel says at the sight of his girlfriend with Kiara when they walked around the corner of a hallway. "Are you guys okay?"

"Thanks to this one." Brooke answers nudging her friend. 

"I almost died when we saw the cop cars and realized you were gone." Daniel continues. "Both of you. But mostly Brooke."

"Appreciate it thank you Daniel." Kiara says sarcastically.

"Well I however was worried about you both equally." Sophie yells running down the hallway to join them. "What happened?"

"It's a- a bit of a long story." Kiara answers.

"That we can tell later." Brooke finishes and Kiara nods.

"Hey, uh- Alex was also looking for you." Says to Kiara.

"Oh, yeah, we were supposed to workout this morning." She realized. 

"I saw him heading down to the cafeteria when we were all looking for you guys." Sophie finishes.

"Great thank you, I'm going to head down there."


"What's wrong with you?" Hayley says walking up to her brother in the cafeteria. "You look worried."

"No one has seen Kia or Brooke all morning. Now there's police cars outside and no one knows what happened." He explains. "Me, Daniel and Sophie have been looking everywhere for them but no one can find them."

"I found one of them." Hayley says pointing to the door.

"Heard somebody was looking for me?" Kiara smile approaching the two of them.

"Oh my god, where have you been?" Alex asks relieved.

"Long story short, I wasn't letting my best friend walk around outside in the dark alone." She answers

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