Black Smoke - Part 1

Start from the beginning

"I'm worried about her." Kiara says to Sophie, "she knew something was going on the whole time. She told me that she broke into Daniels locker and found a bunch of pain killers."

"Daniel." Sophie says dejected. "I hope he's okay."


An hour of anxious waiting later, Kiara and Sophie locked themselves in the empty girls dorm room to answer another call from Brooke, who this time sounded much more upset.

"Hey Brooke hows he doing?" Kiara asked as Sophie sat across from her on her bed.

"I think he's okay, but it not good guys." She explains.

"What happened?" Sophie asked.

"There was a taser barb in his leg, the doctor says it had been there for several days." Brooke continues. "I saw him throw something in the ocean, but he told be it was a rock, I think he was trying to destroy the evidence, but I should have known something was going on when I saw that, that Ibuq, Ibu, I don't know those stupid pain killers I should of known something serious was going on."

"He should have been keeping that secret in the first place." Sophie says.

"Wait Brooke say that again, the name of the medicine?" Kiara asked.

"Why is that relevant right now?" Sophie asks.

"Brooke just do it," Kiara asks again.

"It was Ibu- something, but it wasn't Ibuprofen, it was something else." Brooke answered.

"Ibuplysfen?" Kiara asked.

"Yeah, yeah I think so how'd you know?" Brooke asked in return.

"Yeah, it's a type of ibuprofen, but it's you can't get that unless you have a prescription." Kiara says, her mind racing.

"So if it's prescription only, how did Daniel get it?" Sophie asks.

"I think I have an idea, Brooke was it liquid, or a pill bottle?" Kiara asked Brooke.

"Liquid. Why what are you thinking?" Brooke answers with a question.

"I hate pills." Kiara said angrily getting up from the bed, speed walking into the locker room, Sophie close behind with her Louie that Brooke was listing in on.

"Kia what are you-?"Sophie asks while Kiara digs through her locker.

"Here!" She says pulling a small empty box from the bottom of her locker. "My medicine is gone. I had it when I was recovering from surgery, I kept the bottle I had left in my locker for emergencies, and it's gone. And I was given liquid, because I am terrible at swallowing pills." Kiara explains. "He broke into my locker and stole my medicine." 

"I didn't know you even still had that." Brookes voice said. 

"Daniel apparently did." Kiara said throwing the empty box back in her locker.


"Daniel woke up." Sophie said after receiving a message from Brooke as she and Kiara sat on the couch in the Eagles clubhouse.

"Great." Kiara said sarcastically.

"Kia?" Sophie said.

"What? I have every right to be mad at him, he broke into my locker and stole my stuff." Kiara explained.

"Well he just had surgery and he's on crutches now, give him some grace." Sophie says.

"No, I will bite his head off when he gets back here." Kiara said angrily. "I don't give a crap of what happened to him." Sophie thought of what to say next, Kiara caught sight of Alex sitting in the windowsill seat and decided to duck Sophie's questions. "Hey." she says sitting opposite him.

"Hey." He said. "How's Daniel?" 

"Brooke says he's awake, he had surgery and he's on crutches now, but the doctors say he should be okay." She explains. "He's off the court for a little while though." Alex smiled.

"Is it had that last part doesn't make me entirely sad?" He chuckled.

"I mean we're in the same boat on that issue." Kiara sighed.

"Really?" Alex asked her.

"Yeah. I figured out that the pain killers he'd been taking to hide the pain from the taser barb, is some medicine I have from my surgery he stole from my locker." Kiara told him.

"Seriously?" Alex questioned while Kiara nodded. "Oh you must be pissed."

"Oh you have no idea." She slightly laughed.

A/N Apologizes for the short chapter, but there wasn't to much to cover in this episode because this story is mainly covering the Eagles, because my character is and Eagle, and mainly interacts with Eagles. I really feel bad I haven't updated this since August, because apparently slow updates means 'update every four months' (it does not mean that, I'm just an idiot)

Love you all!

Merry fricken Christmas, and happy holidays!


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