The Opening Challenge - Part 1

Start from the beginning

"You play?" He asked. She nodded yes. "What position."

"Point Guard, occasional Shooting Guard like yourself. I mean I used to play." She answered.

"Used to?" He asked. She pointed to her knee with the scar from her surgery.

"ACL complete tear, MCL minor tear about fourteen months ago. I'm cleared but, I haven't been able to get the confidence to go back." She explains. "Still an athlete at heart though. Speaking of which I'm about to hit the weight room you want to come?"

"Who can say no to that." He said as they both stood up. "Wait isn't there curefew." 

"Not for two hours we'll be back in time come on." Kiara says as they slip out the door of the clubhouse.


The two of them walked to the gymnasium, to the basement where the weight room was, Kiara unlocks the door with her Louie and flips on the lights.

"So where did you used to play?" The boy asks. "Before you came here?"

"I was playing for the Wolfpack when I got hurt, my coaches keep telling me I can come back when ever, but I guess I'm nervous." She said running her hand down the scar on her knee. "I play in scrimmages with the boys here all the time, but I'm just scared to go back to AAU." Alex nodded, being an athlete he understood her fear.

"Wolfpacks no joke," Alex said remembering the time his team played against a Wolfpack team.

"Yeah, they are. I really want to go back but like I said, I'm really scared." She says sitting on a bench, adjusting her knee brace. "I guess I work out that anxiety in here. The heavier weights I lift with no problems always helps the confidence department." Kiara tossed Alex a rubber band for warm ups, and Alex decided to ask her what's on his mind.

"Hey why are you being so nice to me?" He asked. "You know when nobody else is?"

"I guess because I was the new kid last year, and I didn't have the first day you've been having." She laughed.

"Funny." He said sarcastically.


The next morning after Kiara and Alex had made it back to the clubhouses the night before. All the Eagles were sitting around the club house, Daniel and Parker were discussing the new kid, Alex.

"I can't believe we lost Tyler for him, I mean this guy is an embarrassment to the Eagles." Parker said as Daniel showed him Sophie blog, with the pictures of Alex she took.

"Hey don't get to attached to him." Daniel reassured his friend.

"What do you mean?" Parker asks.

"I mean, he has a temper." Daniel explains. "If it happens again, this time Louis won't for give him. Then we throw him a proper going away party."

"Okay, so what's the plan." Parker says after shaking the hand of his captain.

"Just trust your captain." Daniel says. "I got you."

"Good. Cause he gotta go." Parker said relived. The two leaned back on the chairs, Daniel pulling out his Louie after receiving a notification.

"Guys! The opening challenge starts now. We leave in three, come on Eagles wassup!" Daniel announces to his clubhouse.

"Who's gonna crush the Ravens again!" Parker adds as an "Eagles" chant rises from the group as they all got ready to leave. Brooke ran back to the bathroom door, knocking on the door saying,

"Kia let's go! Opening challenge is starting." Kiara quickly threw her hair up in pony tail on top of her head, before running to catch up with the group. All but a few Eagles has left the room, Alex stood confused at what was going on.

"Come on," Kiara said to him.

"What's the opening challenge?" He asks joining her.

"You'll see." She said answering the question. Alex followed her and the rest of the chanting Eagles out of the club house to the stairs, and at the sight of his sister in the hallway he said to Kiara,

"I'll catch up with you guys." She nodded and joined in with the 'Eagles' chant, leaving Alex to talk to Hayley.

"So now you do want to talk?" Hayley sarcastically asks.

"I'm sorry I missed your text. I got really busy last night." Alex explains.

"I'll say." Hayley rolls her eyes.

"You saw it too?" Alex asks, referring to Sophie's blog. Hayley nods while Daniel and Brooke passed by, shooting them both a glare.

"You don't want to be seen talking with the enemy." Hayley sighs. "Watch your back okay?" 


The Greenhouse students all filed in to the testing room where Louis stood on the elevated platform waiting for them.

"Welcome to the opening challenge!" Louis announces after everyone took their seats. The students clapped and cheered, even the new ones who had no clue what was happening. "You all know this is not a regular school. And our goal here is not to prepare you for the regular state standard exams. Other than a two week vacation at the end of the year, to prepare for that unimportant test, we won't be dealing with that. My only job, is to feed your curiosity. Now the Ravens and Eagles have been rivals for decades and this year, so I'm sending you a riddle. You have to solve that riddle, to find the key and unlock this case and be the first to ring the gong and win."

"What's the prize?" Parker asks.

"Yeah I want to know what the Ravens are missing out on this year." Daniel says shooting a look at the Ravens side of the room while the Eagles all chuckled around him.

"I'll just say that the winning house will get a treat to kick off a very sweet year." Louis says. "The riddle is being sent to your Louie, now." He taps a button on his Louie while the rest of the students pull out theirs, huddling around their captains to strategize, The riddle read, "Ten from the sea to the sand he walks, to look in the soil but not in the box." Both teams agreed to look at the beach. While both houses were digging mindlessly through the beach, Hayley leaned up against a hill of sand, relaxing like any other day. 

"Well don't work to hard." Leo Cruz, the captain of the Ravens said to her.

"I'm waiting for the real classes to start." She said closing her eyes. Daniel has taken a break, sitting off to the side, rubbing his ankle before his girlfriend Brooke came up to her and asks,

"Babe are you okay?" 

"Yeah, fine." He says, trying to play it cool.

"Come on Eagles dig faster." Alex calls shifting positions.

"Been here two days and already giving us orders." Daniel says out loud, gaining laughs from fellow Eagles.

"Hey." Sophie says getting Alex's attention. "Don't pay attention to them."

"Looking for more humiliating stuff on your blog?" Alex said in response.

"Oh go cry to your sister." Brooke says backing up her friends. Hayley took notice of the Eagles nagging on her brother so she decided to act like she wanted to be there.

"Hey there." Leo says as Hayley starts digging.

"I'm not doing this for the Ravens, I'm doing this for Alex." Hayley says.

"Whatever works for you." Leo says happy with his newest Raven. Hayley eventually sits back on her knees, pulling out her Louie, reading over the riddle. "Something is off look. It's a trick question. The key is in the soil but not inside the box. What does a box have to do with anything. And why is it not in the box."

"Maybe it's outside the box." Leo suggests. 

"Yeah, like think outside the box." Hayley says putting away her Louie. "Come on I think I solved it." Leo and Hayley ran off back to the school, while Sophie was watching and filming from where the Eagles were searching.

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