IceLat \\ Picnic

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(And to whom it may concern, why does this seem like the most random characters ever? It's a long story, but the "Slayland Shenanigans" Book by the person who requested this will explain a lot, so please read it!)


Requested by: Puffiii_

Characters: Iceland\Emil, Latvia\Raivis, Sweden\Berwald, Liechtenstein\Lilli

Ships: IceLat


It was a perfect idea.

Two unlikely friends, Berwald and Lilli, both knew someone who could contribute to a perfect couple.

Lilli knew Raivis, and Berwald knew Emil. The two agreed that they'd both be perfect for each other. Emil's quiet, introverted demeanour was perfect for Raivis's nervous, yet sweet one. If they weren't a perfect couple, then Berwald was straight. Raivis and Emil were a match made in heaven.

But of course, there was a problem.

How were they supposed to get the two in one place at the same time?

Simple: Berwald would agree to take Emil for a day, and Lilli would hang out with Raivis for a day. And then, they'd set the two up on a romantic picnic, in hopes that they'd confess pure, sweet love to each other, and finally become the couple Berwald and Lilli always knew they could be.

And even luckier: Vash, being the sometimes overly-protective brother he is, trusted Berwald with Lilli. He knew Berwald, despite seeming mean and cold, was just like him: Secretly just a bit too protective and actually a sweet person. And because of that, Berwald and Lilli were able to spend a day preparing for the picnic.

The two went to the grocery store, to find food to use for the picnic. When they arrived back at Berwald's house, where Tino and Peter were gone for the weekend, they worked together to make the picnic food. Lilli brought her picnic basket, and a nice blanket, that she and her older brother always had picnics using.

When the day came, the entire plan was perfect. By the end of the picnic, they should be a couple. Lilli was calling Berwald, waiting for Raivis to meet her outside. "So..." She began, standing patiently at Raivis's door. "Is Emil ready?" Asked Lilli, tapping her foot repeatedly against the cracked pavement.

"He's ready," Berwald quietly replied, walking along the trail to the picnic area with Emil. "How much longer are you gonna be?" He questioned, trying not to make Emil suspicious. "However long Raivis takes. Sorry about the delay." Lilli answered, as Raivis finally opened the door.

"Hey, don't worry. At least Emil doesn't have an attention span like Mathias's. You could be ten seconds late and that piece of dried-up bird shit would still complain."

"Why'd you say my name?"


"Also, nice insult. Fits Mathias's bullshit perfectly."

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