Denmark and Sealand \\ School Sucks

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Requested by: No one.

Ships: Mentions of SuFin and DenNor

Characters: Denmark\Mathias, Sealand\Peter, mentions of Finland\Tino, Sweden\Berwald, and Norway\Lukas.


Peter his face from the crowd as students flooded out the doors of his school. He was quietly sobbing, despite his normally happy, energetic attitude.

He was always an easy target for bullies at his school. He was short, skinny, and generally couldn't pull himself to fight back. He'd always convince himself they were just messing with him, and sure, Peter did have the strength to fight back, but he never did.

He was always scared he'd get the blame for fighting them when he was standing up for himself.

Sure, there were so many reasons why a kid like him could get bullied. But it all boiled down to the thing Peter loved: His parents. They made fun of him because he had two dads, even Peter was so much more than thankful that they adopted him.

He never cried when they bullied him because he'd gotten so used to it. But today, he'd had enough. He cried, which made them laugh at him. He'd felt as if he made a fool of himself.

His parents knew all about the bullying, and they were doing all that they could to stop it. But no matter their efforts, they still bullied Peter. The school was doing nothing. The kid's parents were doing nothing.

As Peter walked out of the school, he noticed his uncle Mathias's truck. His parents were gone away for the weekend, so uncle Mathias would be watching over him for the entire weekend. Peter hid his face as he walked up to the black truck, its pan filled with everything a man like him could need.

Mathias saw the young kid, motioning to him to get into the front seat. It wasn't until Peter entered the truck that Mathias noticed that he was crying. "Hey! Buddy! What's wrong?" Mathias asked worryingly. Peter desperately looked for the words to reply, before he broke down crying.

"Hey, Peter, calm down. I don't like seeing you cry. What happened?" Mathias questioned, holding Peter's chin in his hand, and tilting the kid's head up to face him. "People bully me at school," Peter answered. Mathias frowned. "They still are? Look, buddy, listen here."

Mathias wiped Peter's tears away with the sleeve of his red hoodie, before moving his blonde hair out of his face. "I got bullied in school back when I was your age. You see, I have a few issues when it comes to focusing, and they were a lot worse than now when I was 12."

"Did they bully you for that?" Peter asked, his eyes still red and puffy from crying. "Well, not exactly. Because it was so hard for me to focus in class, my grades weren't that good. Word got around regarding it, and I got bullied quite a bit for them. I still remember when they found out I got that 50, and they teased me about it for weeks."

Mathias continued. "Sure, I had friends who'd stand up for me, like Gilbert, Alfred, and the other Nordics, but I still always felt like shit because of those bullies. But, hey, if I could talk to me back then, I'd tell him that those bullies are just being assholes just so they can feel better about themselves."

"Really?" Peter mumbled. "Really," Mathias said. "What do they bully you for?" Mathias questioned. Peter sighed, looking out the truck window. "My dads." He answered, looking out the window as Mathias began to drive off. "Well, buddy, if they knew what good parents Tino and Berwald truly are, they'd be super jealous of you," Mathias replied.

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