Five looked at Emery then with a smug smile. Emery just blinked but didn't deny the small smile that also fought its way onto his face though it physically pained him. The act was brilliant but the hit was maybe a little bit too realistic. It hurt like a bitch.

They followed Lance as he puttered about anxiously, taking the eye and searching for its owner. "Oh," He said, rifling through some files. "that's strange."

"What?" Five demanded.

"Uh, the eye. It hasn't been purchased by a client yet."

"What?" Klaus said jumping down beside him and looking over his shoulder. "What do you mean?"

"Well, uh," Lance stuttered. "our logs say that the eye with that serial number... This can't be right. It hasn't even been manufactured yet." He looked up. "Where did you get that eye?"

Five cursed and shook his head, obviously angered. Emery just stared at Lance with a scrutinizing glare that sent the man staggering under the intense gaze. Something about the man...

Five pulled them both out of there after he deemed it a lost cause. "Well, this is not good." He said when they were outside.

"I was pretty good, though, right? Yeah. What about my consent, bitch?" he laughed maniacally.

"Klaus, it doesn't matter." Five said.

"What? What? What's the big deal with this eye anyway?"

Emery gave Five a look and said boy sighed before taking a menacing step forward. "There is someone out there who's going to lose an eye in the next seven days. They're gonna bring about the end of life on this Earth as we know it." He started walking away.

"Yeah, can I get that twenty bucks, like, now, or what?"

"Your twenty bucks?" Five asked incredulously.

"Yeah, my twenty bucks."

"The apocalypse is coming, and all you can think about is getting high?"

"Well, that and I'm also quite hungry. Tummy's a-rumbling."

"You're useless." Five said, walking away and going to sit down on the same steps as the previous night. "You're all useless!"

"Oh, come on." Klaus said. "You need to lighten up, old man. Hey, you know, I've just now realized why you're so uptight."

"Because the world is ending?" Emery ventured.

"You must be horny as hell!" Klaus exclaimed, ignoring Emery and moving to sit down next to Five. "All those years by yourself. It's gotta screw with your head, being alone."

"Well... I wasn't alone."

"Oh? Pray tell."

"Her name was Dolores." Emery rolled his eyes at the mention of the woman. he didn't even know who she was but already Emery was sick of hearing about her. "We were together for over thirty years." Emery let out a low whistle.

"Thirty years? Oh, wow!" Klaus chuckled. "God, the longest I've been with someone was... I don't know, three weeks. And that's only because I was so tired of looking for a place to sleep." Ask Klaus was talking, Five teleported away in a flash of blue. Emery let his head fall into his hands and groaned internally. "He did make the most fantastic osso buco, though." Klaus continued. "It was... Five?" Klaus said when he realized the boy was gone.

Emery just shrugged when the man looked at him with a questionable gaze. "Are you not used to this yet?" He asked, moving to stand up in hopes of tracking the man down.

As The World Caves In [Five]Where stories live. Discover now