not fair : conrad

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•not fair

I hated the way he looked at Nicole. Like he was in with her, it should be me. When I first got to the cousin's house it was just Conrad and I. Until he met Nicole. It was only supposed to be us two this summer. It was clear he had feelings for me, everyone said it.

I could hear Conrad and Nicole talking across the hall. My heart stung knowing I wasn't the one on his bed or the one he kissed anymore. That's why I was surprised when Nicole left early.

I walked out of my room about to go find Jeremiah and Steven. I was almost to the stairs when I felt someone grab my hand. I turned my head around to meet eyes with Conrad. I gave him a glare and pulled my hand away. Ever since he first brought Nicole around I avoided him at all costs.

"Y/n can we please talk" he asked me, looking guilty. "I'm sure Nicole would love to take over for me." I grumbled as I tried to walk away. He grabbed my arm this time. "What's wrong" he asked with sadness in his voice. "Nothing I'm fine leave me alone" I said now yanking my arm from him, walking away again. He quickly ran in front of me about to speak until I cut him off.

"Fine Conrad! You wanna know what's wrong? It's not fair that you wanted everything to do with me until you met Nicole! You act like I don't exist. You clearly were just playing with me to whole time, I was just to stupid to realize it." I yelled at him wanting nothing more than to disappear.

"That's not true." He said in a low voice looking down. I just scoffed and shoulder checked him as I tried once again to walk away. "I was scared y/n. Scared that if you and I ever got together that you'd realize how messed up I am and you'd leave me. So I thought Nicole would be a good distraction but she's not. Your all I think about and it kills me knowing I can never be enough for you." He explained with tears in his eyes.

I walked back up to him cupping his cheek. "You broke me, I loved you and damn I still do. I know you and I know your not a messed up person. Your personality is what drags me in. I've liked you ever since we were little and it's never changed. What about Nicole though? She really thinks you like her Conrad" I said looking into his gorgeous eyes.

He looked almost to stunned to speak for a second. "I told her about you, how your the one that I need and the one person that I actually loved. She saw it coming I guess it was the way I look at you." He said laughing a little bit at the end. "I love you" I said and before I gave him a chance to answer I grabbed his cheek with my bracelet littered hand and pulled him in.

It was a deep meaningful kiss that I've waited for for so long. We finally pulled away. "I love you too" he said out of breath.

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