☁️ | tanjiro k

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a/n - hello everyone! it's been two months since i've worked on this, and i've decided to come back and continue! school finished for me just a bit ago so now i have lots more free time, and there will definitely be more chapters!

this oneshot takes base in a kimetsu academy au


It was around 6:45 AM when your alarm clock went off loudly. Very slowly, you got up out of bed and prepared for school. You took an outfit from your dresser, and went to your bathroom to change. Once you were done, you headed downstairs to eat breakfast. Quickly, you ate a bowl of cereal and drank some tea. You were about to be done when you heard your mother calling your name.

"Y/n! Tanjiro's here!", she said from down the hall. Your head perked up from hearing his name. You began to walk down the hall and grabbed your backpack off the hook it was on. Then, you put on your sneakers and walked out the door, saying a quick bye to your mother as well.

Once you got outside, you saw Tanjiro standing at the sidewalk waiting for you. You walked down to join him. It had been a pattern for the past few years, but Tanjiro would walk up the street and wait for you at your house, then the two of you would walk down to the bus stop and ride the bus to school together. The two of you had been the best of friends for a while after all and you loved going over to his house and playing with his siblings. 

"How was your morning, Y/n?", he said with a kind smile. 

"It was alright, I didn't have much time to eat breakfast, though.", you responded.

"Oh! I have some snacks in my backpack! Here, do you want anything?", he asked while beginning to reach into his bag.

"No, no! I'll be fine, Tanjiro. I can make it till lunch.", you told him. He simply nodded his head and the two of you continued walking. Soon enough, you reached the bus stop. You both waited there for a minute or two before the bus came rolling around the corner.  You boarded first, and then Tanjiro followed. The two of you made your way to the back of the bus and took seats next to each other.

Upon getting to finally take a rest, you felt yourself getting a bit tired. Last night, you were up studying really late due to the approaching exams. Having to wake up early didn't make your situation any better. Your eyelids were getting a bit heavy and you began to drift off into sleep. Without realizing, you laid your head on Tanjiro's shoulder and rested there.

He quickly noticed and his face was dusted with a blush. He didn't want to wake you up or anything, so he laid his head against yours and fell asleep as well. 


A bit of time had passed and your bus had made it to Kimetsu Academy. The two of you, however, were still both asleep. The bus driver looked back and realized the two of you weren't moving. He approached the back and said in a loud voice...

"Wake up, lovebirds. It's school time.", he said, loud enough so the both of you would wake up. He began walking back to the seat and you quickly got up. You gently shook Tanjiro's shoulder and he got up as well. The two of you began walking towards the school but you were a bit behind Tanjiro.

He looked back at you and asked sweetly, "Is something wrong, Y/n?".

"N-No! I'm fine!", you said, shaking your hands at him to clarify. He looked at you confused as to why you were blushing so much.

You couldn't get over how the bus driver called you two lovebirds.


a/n - that was so bleh, hopefully better ones are to come!

word count - 649 words

time spent - 14 minutes

demon slayer oneshots/headcanonsOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz