☁️ | tanjiro k

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It's been a long day 🌊


"Augh". You yawned out. You flopped down onto your bed and sprawled your arms and legs out. Earlier today, while on a mission, you had encountered a powerful demon. The fight left you with several wounds and cuts covering your body. You were tired and completely worn out. A special someone happened to notice this.

"Y/n? It's very late, you should be asleep now! Especially after that fight! I'm so sorry once again for not coming to help you!", he called out to you from your door frame. Ah, your selfless and kind boyfriend, Tanjiro Kamado. You had met each other by chance in final selection, working together ever since. The two of you fell in love but it took a while for the both of you to realize your feelings.

"Oh, don't worry! I promise to go to sleep soon. I'm exhausted anyway....", you said while beginning to drift off. Tanjiro watched quietly as you fell asleep.  He truly was in love with you. Ever since the night he met you. You were so beautiful in his eyes. The way your hair would flow in the wind and how bright your eyes would shine whenever you had true hope for something. He would give the world for you. 

Your eyes slowly shut. It had been a very long day after all. You were still lying on your bed with your arms and legs spread out, like some sort of maniac. I mean seriously, who sleeps like that?

Tanjiro walked over to you carefully. He propped your body up onto your pillow and then wrapped you up with your blanket. He made sure that you were comfortably and even brushed the few strands of hair off your face. Slowly, he began to walk away towards the door, being very quiet to make sure he didn't wake you up. You took notice though.

Quickly, you grabbed his hand and made him turn around.

"Oh come on, can't you stay for a bit? Please? It'd make me so happy!", you said quietly before giving him the brightest smile you could muster up. He stared back at you, first with shock in his eyes, but that was quickly diminished by his love for you. 

You scooted yourself over to the other end of the bed to give him room to climb in. He complied, lied next to you, and covered himself with your blanket. You cuddled into him, close to his chest, and he gladly wrapped his arms around you. He propped his head on top of yours and slowly, the two of you drifted off into sleep, still deep in love with each other. 



word count - 443

time spent - 14 minutes

hello everyone! this is my first story so there might be a few mistakes! im sorry for making it so short but this is all i could think of. most of my oneshots might be themed like this or just this wholesome! i promise to make longer ones in the future! im just very rushed on time right now since its sunday, i have school tomorrow, and its getting very late. i might write another tonight but idk. i hope you enjoyed!


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