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Who could it be at this hour? 🔥


𝙠𝙣𝙤𝙘𝙠 𝙠𝙣𝙤𝙘𝙠

You were at home with your little brother, your parents had gone out to get food, when you heard your door knock. It was fairly late , around 7:30 pm. So who could it be at this hour? 

You walked to your door a bit hesitant. Although you were a demon slayer, you could never be positive you could protect everyone. Especially your little brother. He was the world to you. You had told him to go to his bedroom and if anything happens, to run as fast as he can.  

Your left hand grasped the handle and swung it open, while your right hand was holding your katana prepared for whatever laid before you. 

"Y/N!", a cheerful person yelled at you. Your tense body immediately relaxed, for it was only Rengoku. Ever since childhood, you two had been friends with each other, even passing through final selection with each other. He often came to visit, eating meals with your family, as well as delivering food and other things from his family. It made you happy each time he came. He was one of the very happy things in your life. 

"Oh! Rengoku! Gosh, I thought you were a demon or something.", you responded. Your brother came out of his bedroom and saw Rengoku. He ran up to him and gave him a big hug. Ever since the two met they loved to hang out with each other. It made you very happy to see them.

"Ah! (Brothers name)! You've gotten even bigger since the last time I saw you!", he said in a louder voice.

"But you saw me three days ago!", your brother responded with. You laughed a bit at him. Rengoku had always been trying his hardest to make other people happy, even at his own expense. 

"Well, Rengoku what are you doing here now? Our parents are out getting us food, they should be returning pretty soon.", you said in a soft voice. It was true though, why was he here anyways?

"Just felt like stopping by I suppose!", he said, still with a very cheerful and happy tone in his voice.

You were about to respond when you saw your parents walking back with stacks of bento boxes in their hands. 

"Oh mom, dad! Here let me help you!", you yelled out. You hated seeing your parents having to do much work.

You retrieved the boxes from them, ran back inside and placed them on the table. 

"Rengoku! Ah, how nice it is to see you again! Would you like to stay for dinner?", your mother said to him. Obviously, he could never turn down free food.

"Sure! Thank you for the offer!", he said. 

You all walked inside and sat down. You got chopsticks for everyone and handed them out. Everyone proceeded to grab their own bento box. All was going well when suddenly you  hear..

"𝐓𝐀𝐒𝐓𝐘", someone yells at the top of their lungs. Your whole family turns their heads to the yellow and red haired boy sitting down eating.

"Tasty, mhm, yes, very tasty, tasty, yes", he mumbles under his breath. You were all in shock that he had randomly decided to yell that out, but just continued eating without saying a single word. 

- Time skip to after dinner -

"Y/n, can you walk rengoku back to his house?", your mom asked you politely.

"But mom I-", you started to say

"Y/n..", she said cutting you off. You groaned a bit then put on your coat. The walk wasn't too far away, just down the road, but it was freezing outside and your only intention was to just go to sleep already.

You and Rengoku began to walk down the path with none of you saying a word. Eventually, after what felt like 3 years, you reached his house.

"Bye Rengoku-san! I'll see you tomorrow! Or whenever I guess..", you said to him before he walked into his house.

"Bye Y/n!", he said with a very big smile. You turned around to start walking away when he suddenly said..

"Oh and y/n.."


"You look very pretty tonight!", he gently said, while giving a soft smile that fit him so well.

A light red had tinted your cheeks, but before you could respond he had walked inside his house, before giving you a wink and closing his door. 

You just stood there. Still in shock as to what had just happened.  



word count -  730 words

time spent - 18 minutes

hello once again! this took me so long to think up and it's still crusty lol. but, hope you enjoyed! have a nice whatever time of the day it is! 🍄

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