"Im trapped"

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I woke up it took me awhile to open my eyes my eyes were so heavy and sore I looked around me and I was chained up to a bed with some pjs PJS?they changed me ...?I was so shocked and scared I tried scream but I couldn't because there was a gag in my mouth whoever did this is gonna get payback

I tried to make as much noise and I could I get moving my body so the bed could hit the wall I kept doing it and I finally heard someone come towards the bedroom door

He entered

I nearly fainted it's that PERV FROM THE CLUB that son of a bitch im gonna put my toes through his eyes

He took the gag out of my mouth "you son of a bitch if you don't let me out of here my father is gonna come and look for you "

He laughed why did that ass just laugh ??

"Sweetheart your father isn't coming for you he's away he will be informed where you are and he still won't come and get you "

"Don't call me that let me out of here right now or I swear "

"You swear what darling your tied up and you can't do anything about it so watch that little pretty attitude of yours "

God I hated this man I hated him so much I just want to punch his punchable face

"can I atleast get food since yous are starving me ?'I was really hungry I was suppose to get food at the mall but no change of plans I got kidnapped instead by this ugly bum looking ass of a man

"I'll bring you your food I'll untie you but you will be locked in this room so don't try do anything stupid don't test me mi amor"

He untied me and walked out of the room and locked it I heard the locks there was 3 locks on the door on the top the middle and the bottom I walked around the room trying to find ways to escape but there was nothing the windows were locked shut and the windows were plastic in this big mansion they had plastic windows what kind of mansion is this

He walked back into my room I was sat on my bed
"Sit up "
"Fuck you"I spat at him he looked like I was finally starting to get on his last nerves ha good I hated him anyways
he put the food on the table beside me he stood over me making me look up at him and he took my chin and made me look at him
"Now pretty girl here's what I'm gonna tell you your gonna be a good girl and your not ever gonna spit in my face again becouse if you do I will have no problem with getting my gun loading it and shooting you in the head is that clear "
"Your a physcopath perv I don't know why I'm here and why you have me but when I get out of here or find a way out you will regret this "

He smirked at me
"Your a smart girl Amelia I wouldn't do anything you'll regret if I was you "
"Now eat your food "

The way he said that annoyed me so much what does he think I am a dog

He left me untied when he walked out and locked all the locks I sat and ate the disgusting sandwich he gave me
Yuck I wouldn't even feed this to my dog

I was thinking to myself if I could gain trust and make him trust me I could possibly be able to trick him ..

Who's the smart one now mr Elijah .

𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐊𝐢𝐧𝐠&𝐐𝐮𝐞𝐞𝐧 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐚𝐟𝐢𝐚 🖤Where stories live. Discover now