The Battle Of Alice Dodgeball

Start from the beginning

"Thank you, Mikan." Hoshika smiled appreciatively. I'll bet she didn't even know how much I needed to hear that.

"Back away, snotty girl." Hotaru said, grabbing one of her hoof inventions and hitting Mikan upside the head with it. The two comically argued and Hoshika giggled at their antics.

"By the way guys, I promised my Senpai that we would have tea during lunchbreak, so I thought it would be the perfect time for him to meet you guys!" the short-haired girl gestured to her friends, Mikan, Tobita, and Hotaru.

"Which Senpai?" Mikan asked, curious.

"Tsubasa-Senpai!" she said with a smile.

"I heard that Tsubasa from the junior division was quite the troublemaker." Tobita commented, making Hoshika gasp in shock.

"Tobita-san! I didn't think you were one for rumors!" he sheepishly laughed and Hoshika assured him she was joking, "Besides, my Tsubasa is nothing like the sort! He's handsome, kind, and he has the most amazing Alice!" she gushed, "Anyway, did you guys want to go?"

"Hmm.. I'll only go if Anna-chan and Nonoko-chan can come!" Mikan said, pulling the arms of two girls up out of their seats. 'Anna' had long, wavy pink hair and 'Nonoko' had straight blue hair.

Shrugging her shoulders Hoshika smiled politely, "Sure! Anyone can come! That reminds me! Ruka-kun, would you like to come to our picnic with Tsubasa-Senpai?" she asked, innocently smiling at the blond headed boy.

"T-there's no way I'd ever go anywhere with you guys!" he yelled.

"O-oh, I see." Hoshika said, looking down sadly, "Maybe another time then?" she said quickly, turning her body back toward her friends and chattering away.

"What's up with him?" Mikan whispered to the group. "You just asked if he would come, he didn't need to yell."

Hoshika simply shrugged in response, and the conversation went back to normal. Just as the bell rang, Natsume and his company of troublemakers made their way out of the classroom.

"What's with them? The bell just rang." Mikan looked angrily to the pack of boys leaving the room. "Hey! Where are you going!" she yelled as they left to no response.

Class passed slowly, the periods dragging on for the entire three and a half hours of morning classes, but, alas, the time for lunch break was here. Hoshika excitedly ran out of the classroom the second the bell rang and went and got her Senpai.

"This is Tsubasa-Senpai!" she said clinging to his shirt. Mikan smiled, recognizing the boy. After everyone was introduced to each other, they thought it would be nice to have a forest tea party. They ate at a oval white table.

"B-but we're in the forest, we might see Mr. Bear!" Tobita pointed out.

"Ah, that's right! I sort of forgot about that bear." Hoshika smiled upon the memory of her first meeting of Mr. Bear and the others looked at her shocked.

"He's destructive!" Mikan yelled, "Scary! A boxer!"

"Yeah... maybe he's those things but he's just misunderstood, I'm sure." Hoshika waved her hands at their comments.

"That reminds me," said Mikan, "Natsume is just as destructive isn't he? He's such a troublemaker, he left the classroom right as the bell rang! He annoys me so much!"

"Yeah, Natsume has always been like that." Nonoko said.

"I've even cautioned them several times myself, but they don't listen to me or any of the teachers for that matter." Tobita sighed.

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