Not exactly a honeymoon

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Everything went well and now we're finally on the cruise ship. Our cabin turns out to be a real honeymoon suite with roses on the pink bed sheets and everything, and I love how that makes Chris uncomfortable.

"Well, I'm afraid here's no space to sleep anywhere but in bed, Bon-Bon", I say teasingly as we enter the cabin for the first time.

Chris only groans. "Don't push it, Street"

I'm surprised she doesn't fight back, but a quick glance makes me see she's actually turning a little bit pink in the face. Wow, is that really a reaction of her? Or just the light that shines in through the pink curtains and the probably also pink tinted windows?

I only smirk with inner contentment.

"Let's leave or stuff here and go", Chris says, turning her back on me and industriously rummaging in her stuff.

"Yep, for we gotta take care of some cocaine containers", I agree.

The cruise ship is huge, but thanks to our highly recommended S.W.A.T skills (and the blueprints we have open on our tablets), we manage to find the storeroom quickly without causing a sensation. That's good work for a start.

"Now, what do we have to do exactly?", I ask, standing in front of all the containers.

"You never listen, do you?", Chris sighs. "Come on, Street. We have to make sure the containers get unloaded exactly where they should and that's why we gotta put these stickers on them." She waves with a couple of sheets.

"Yes, of course." I try not to sound as this information is new to me.

What? I had much more important stuff to think about recently.

But Chris looks right through me. Giving me a reproachful glance, she puts half the stickers in my hand and starts to stick on the other ones.

"This evening we'll make a stop in Ensenada. That's were we have to smuggle these containers off to the Mexican boss of our L.A. friends here. That was the whole point of this mission in the first place, to not only take out the crumbles, but catch the whole cake. The cocaine cake. Say, what did you actually do the last couple of weeks?"

Thinking of you.

Of course I don't say that out loud.

Helping Chris with the stickers takes the whole morning and when it's finally lunch time, my stomach roars like a lion.

Chris laughs at the sound of that. "Well, your stomach obviously has to say something"

"Yeah, and I think we should listen to it"

"I think we should listen to me", Chris answers and puts on her sticker sweepingly. "And I say we're finished now."

"Sounds like we all agree, you, me and my stomach", I say satisfiedly and try not to slaver at the thought of a delicious double vegan cheeseburger.

Hey, I might not be in love with Emilia, but that doesn't mean I don't listen to her.

And vegan burgers are actually so tasty, I couldn't believe it at first.

So we make our way to the cafeteria, Chris, my stomach and I, and again the blueprints help a lot. Maybe my sense of direction is a little bit underdeveloped, but in my defense, I've never been on such a huge ship before. Maybe I'll celebrate my own honeymoon here one day. The question remains, with whom?

This is the first time I ever pictured Chris in a wedding dress.

"You can stop slavering now, Street, we're there", Chris says, and it's true, now it's our turn to take a plate and pick out the food in the buffet. She goes first and it's hard for me to concentrate on all the delicious food because, due to the monster queue, I have to stay right behind her so I can smell her hair. She's still wearing that summer dress and for a second in my imagination it's heavy and white and full of ruches and lace. That makes me wonder, would she even wear a dress at her wedding? Until today I never saw her in one. Honestly though? I wouldn't care. She could show up in her sneakers, pyjama shorts and her ugliest wool sweater and I wouldn't care.

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