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Passing the fitness test is easy. Coping with the fact that I will have to spend a whole week with Street, pretending to be his girlfriend, is not.

Before Emilia, everything was so clear. Street and I probably even would have managed to be just friends again.

But now, I don't know what to think anymore.

My feelings are a complete mess. Whenever I see Street, my heart does a somersault. In the next moment, I judge it for that and wanna rip it out of my chest just so I don't have to feel anything at all anymore. Because then, the name Emilia comes to my mind and the hot, burning pain starts to grow.

All at the same time, I'm jealous, determined, lost and terribly in love.

Especially the last thing frightens me to death.

But then again, at least I can keep it under control. Maybe I'm overthinking this. Okay, I have a little crush on Street, and the timing couldn't be worse, for we've never even been single at the same time. After being back at work, things got worse with Tamina and I broke up with her, and that was the time Street met his McDonald's girl. So, there is no way something could ever happen between us. Besides, Street is happy with Emilia now. I should respect that. Actually, I should look at the bright side at this: With him dating her, my hopes of reconnecting with him on another base can die a slow, painful death.

Sounds great, doesn't it?

"Officer Alonso!"

Jessica is coming my way and with her is Street. Awesome.

Smiling at me, Jessica turns on the displays so we can see the blue-prints of a huge cruise ship.

"Your mission will start tomorrow", she says. "But you will only have to correspond with the smugglers, collecting all the times and dates and facts. The day after, you will enter the cruise ship as a part of their crew, dressed up like just another honeymoon couple. From there, you will feed them with all the information - and us, too, of course. Understood?"

We both nodd.

"They are looking to hire a young, cute, innocent couple and that's why you have to seem like that. Put all your acting skills in your roles, okay?"

Street chuckles. "Acting skills? What acting skills?"

Jessica gives him a glimpse.

"Just be charming, Street."

He smirks, satisfied. "Now that I can do."

All at the same time, I want to laugh, cry, and scream inarticulately. I can't decide if I love or hate him in this moment. He can be so annoyingly arrogant, which is actually more cute because by now I know that is just his humor. Not his arrogance. In fact, he's one of the most uncomplicated and caring guys I've ever met.

How can I see him just as a friend ever again?

And, more importantly right now: How am I gonna survive this week?


I'm not soo satisfied with this chapter haha but I need it as a bridge, so ... just turn to the next one quickly, it's getting better, I promise 😅.

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