Waiting, fearing, hoping

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That night, I should sleep like a log, but I don't, and I think it's because of Chris. There's this one question nagging at me.

What if she doesn't get back on her feet?

So I don't get a lot of rest that night, but when I finally fall asleep, I don't wake up for hours. As I finally manage to get my eyes open again, the sunlight is dazzling me and I realize it must be noon already. I had slept late, missed my shift and therefore any news on Chris, too.

With a mix of unpatience, fear and hope, I roll out of bed and turn my phone on at first. Boy, it's already twelve a.m. And there are two missed calls and a text message from Hondo.

I don't open it, I just call him back.

"Hey, Street, you sleepy head!", he greets me and sounds perfectly merry. "You do realize it's almost lunch time, do you?"

I roll my eyes. "Yeah, I didn't catch much sleep. Night was pretty intense."

Hondo chuckles. "Copy that."

"Sorry for missing my shift, though", I say while searching for the second sock. "Any word on Chris yet?"

"You should come to the hospital!", Hondo laughs. "We are all here, even Annie and the kids. And to answer you question: Chris is doing great. Better than great, actually. Surgery went fantastically and she will be released in two or three weeks. Ten weeks at worst until she's back in duty."

"Well, that's good to hear", I say cheerfully, finally having found the other sock. "I'm already on my way. Can you send me the adress? And do you have food there?"

"Already did, and Annie brought home-made muffins", Hondo answers, and that's all I want to hear.


"You know what, Street?", are the words Chris greets me with. "One day, you will get knocked over by a cupboard door and you will faint, and then I will be there to catch you. And if it's the last thing I do."

Then she breaks into a smile. "Anyway, good to see you."

"Copy that"

I smile, too, and bite off a huge piece of Annie's chocolate chip muffin. It's so delicious.

"Hey, Chris, we thought about Saturday", Lucas clings in. "I mean, we gotta celebrate yesterday's case and your goddess-like healing powers" He grins brightly, and just as always, it seems to lighten up the room. "I'm having a party at my place! Been too long since we partied together last, don't you think? You guys in for Saturday?"

Slowly, a wide grin appears on Chris' face. "Definetly!", she calls out.

The others agree to come, too. As Luca looks at me, I box him against the arm. "Dude, I'm always available for a beer!"

And so it's settled.

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