"So you think it could be that the Elite focused on transferring this to all the green areas around the districts? Even my island. It is parched but still has woods." Kieran asked.

"Yes. It makes complete sense since even on the West Island, the phenomenon always moved where there were wood and grass."

"Grab the documents and let's go meet Darya and Laidy. After this we're going to one of my safe houses to develop more chemicals otherwise we'd never clean the districts of this phenomenon."


A crowd of people all observed the large construction in every one of the parks in the Central districts. It was early morning as the Royal guards poured the last of the chemicals in the holes dug by the excavator. The holes were pretty deep and they circled the metropolitan park of Mirror City completely.

"Did it work?" Rin asked.

They all took a step back to look at the quiet park. "It should have worked." Laidy said."

"It will work," Darya said and turned towards Rin. "I don't doubt this formula. Neither should you. Both you and your father came up with it to protect your people."

Kieran tapped Rin's back and pointed at the crowd that had gathered. There were cameras and news reporters everywhere. They demanded answers. About the parks. The trucks. And the whispers about what had happened at the Royal Manor.

Rin had pondered over what to say, the whole afternoon. Head of State had to be prosecuted for many things. However if he put the people in that much shock, there could be trouble. Not just inside the country, but outside as well. He didn't need another country thinking they have become easy targets.

Rin approached the reporters and they instantly shoved mics in his face. Royal guards tried to control them to back off a bit.

Rin took a deep breath. "We suffered a great loss today." He continued to talk to them with a saddened face. "The Head of State's Royal villa was attacked. It is believed it's the same people that were responsible for the most recent Royal deaths."

The crowd gasped in horror. Rin raised his hand to calm them down. "During the attack Head of State was injured, and she is no longer capable of running this country due to her brain injury." He covered his mouth like he was deeply saddened by this.

The crowd started tearing up.

"I am unfortunate to relay this news. The attackers had infected the city's parks with toxic elements, but do not despair as what you saw us do now, was clearing up the parks. However, I would ask no one to go in them, until is allowed."

There was silence among the crowd and the reporters.

"Some of you might have not even seen me that often, as I ran this country behind closed doors. But I'm the only and rightful heir of the seven districts."

He stared at them. "Due to what happened today, there will be some changes in the way we do things. We'll try to make these transitions as smooth as possible for you and I do appreciate your support. You make this country strong."

Few applauded and then the few cheers turned louder and more massive. They were all willing to help and clear up the confusion.

"Thank you. The Royals will keep you updated." Rin stepped away from the mics.

"Keep doing speeches like that and you just might keep the throne." Kieran patted his back.

Rin smiled. "Thank you for coming to help."

Kieran gave him a proud smile. "Now go and wrap things up with everyone."

Rin joined Laidy and Patch who were playing along, posing for the camera as family. They were all tired, but duty came first.

Obsidian (2022)Where stories live. Discover now