Chapter 1 The Rise in Self-Interest

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There are many opinions about when it began. Some say it started in a garden. Others say in a field or a tree. Still others say it started in heaven. Wherever it started, one thing is certain. It is here and we must cope with it every day. There is an ancient Greek myth about a woman named Pandora who opened a box releasing terrible plagues on our world. At the last moment she managed to take hold of hope (as if it were something tangible) and pull it back into her box.  I have no idea what hope was doing trapped in a box with such terrible things as lust, wrath, gluttony, greed, envy, sloth, or pride. There is debate over what actually escaped, but what was preserved is always the same. Did you notice what did escape were all associated with self-interest? In alternative accounts it is not the vices, but their consequences that are listed. Things like war, plague and death are mentioned. Perhaps the moral of the story is that, given enough time humanity may one day overcome such destructive behaviors, and avoid such dire consequences.

One thing that has always set us humans apart from our animal and plant neighbors is our seemingly insatiable desire to alter the environment in which we dwell for the sake of personal and practical comfort. Other living creatures alter their surroundings as well but usually not with the same degree of harm. In most cases, where an animal or plant is native to its area such changes result in positive contributions to the overall eco-system. Ironically, where animals or botanicals become most destructive to the environment, humans are almost always responsible, due to their relocating of the species in question. For example, some flora not native to the Hawaiian Islands (after choking out the indigenous plant life) have caused landslides because of not having a sufficient root system. In Australia the introduction of mice centuries ago has created a seasonal tsunami effect in some areas that would turn anyone's stomach as the mice move through farmlands with the voracity of a horde of biblical locusts.

In an attempt to correct these negative consequences some have introduced even more foreign creatures or chemicals that cause even more harm to the ecosystem. Such efforts often create a snowball effect that leads, not to human comfort, but rather, to more of the things Pandora was credited for releasing on our world. Only this time we are the culprits.  Now, you may be sitting there reading this thinking: "I'm not responsible. I can't control what other people, governments, or corporations are doing to this planet. What can I do?" If this is how you feel then I will ask you just one question. Where does your personal waste go? This includes trash and toilet waste. If we drive, fly, ride a bus or train we are responsible for releasing waste into the environment. Even some eco-friendly transportation that runs on electricity may get its power from a source that in some way causes harm to the environment.

How on earth are we supposed to avoid harming our climate when all these things are part of our everyday life? If we obsess over these issues long enough, we will only get overwhelmed and end up doing nothing to correct the situation. Trying to avoid toxic behaviors is simply unrealistic in a world so dependent on personal comfort. However, could we make a concerted effort to contribute less to the overall decay? Is there a way of "Becoming Less Toxic"?  That is the goal of this book.  There is a song that says: "A single thread in a tapestry, though its color brightly shines, can never see its purpose, in the pattern of the grand design." The point being, if everyone individually made an attempt to be a little less toxic in their overall life pattern, then the collective effect could be quite beautiful.

So, then why don't we? Perhaps it is because we underestimate the power of self-interest. Imagine there is a creature called self-interest like the mythical hydra. Then imagine that Pandora's escapees are the different heads of the hydra. If we see them as separate things then another head will always arise and consume any progress, we make to improve things. We need to stop attacking the heads and focus on what is at the heart of the problem. Then we must forge hope (our one ally) into the sword that will slay the true issue.

Self-Interest is at the heart of the problems our world faces. It fuels our desires, our goals, our stock markets, and our economies. Where would we be without greed? How would we feel without pride? How would we rest without sloth? How would we secure our rights without wrath? Without envy what would be the point in advertising? Who doesn't love an all-you-can-eat buffet? Without such things as lust the porn industry would collapse. Without these driving forces what corporation, government or religion would have any power at all? As it says in the Bible: 'Let the one without sin cast the first stone.'

Without self-interest the world as we know it would end. And yet, that is exactly what will lead to our demise, given enough time. So, what can we do in the mean time? I believe there is only one sustainable answer. Put simply we must discover ways of Becoming Less Toxic. It will not start with saving the environment. We must start much closer to home. We won't get anywhere by pointing the finger at someone else. I must explore the fingers pointing back at me first. What can I do to become less toxic towards my own body and in my interpersonal dealings with others? I can't do this alone, but if I don't figure out how to communicate more effectively with others, I won't have any hope of helping anyone else to see this amazing prospect.

I really hope I haven't lost you. I'm just trying to have a conversation. Everything starts with a conversation. However, finding ways of Becoming Less Toxic in our delivery can help to prevent a discussion from becoming an argument. If I've peeked your curiosity, then I invite you to continue reading what is found on the next page.

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