Unforgivable curses,

Breeding dark creatures,

Brewing dark potions,

Tom sighed. He knew all these already.

But his eyes stopped at he reached the next topic, a grin forming as he read:

Creation and destruction of horcruxes.

Tom almost laughed in pride as he hungrily flicked through the pages to find the chapter. Finally, some real information about horcruxes. He'd read about them before, knew that they could grant one immortality. But the creation of such a thing had never been written before.

But here it was. In his very hands.

The secret to his master plan.

He read, and read, and read.


Tom blinked, dazed for a second as to be hearing Faith Silvers voice calling his name, just as he'd finished reading such dark words. In a discreet scramble, Tom placed a non-verbal disolutionment charm onto the book, hiding it from nosey eyes.

Tom squinted to see a sleepy Faith, ribbing her eyes as she approached Tom.

"Tom, what are you doing here?" She asked.

"Oh, I couldn't sleep. Just looking around. Curiosity overtook my sense I'm afraid," Tom shrugged.

Faith sat down next to Tom on the hardwood floor, green moonlight from the stain glass windows illuminated her face.

"Did I wake you?" He asked. It felt strange talking to Faith now, after reading what he'd just read. Although he hadn't performed the rutual yet of course, a part of him worried Faith would be able to smell the dark magic inside of him, the new-found knowledge that had attached itself onto his mind like a cancer.

"No, you didn't wake me. I just couldn't sleep either." She shrugged. She turned to face Tom, eyes like diamonds in the moonlight. "Tom?"

"Yes?" He looked her in her sapphire eyes. She looked soft to the touch. She was soft to the touch.

"Tell me something about yourself that nobody knows," She said intently.

Tom scoffed. "What?"

"I want to know you, Tom Riddle. Because I really, really-" she stopped herself, sighing and breaking their eye contact. "Nevermind,"

He should have just left it there. But he didn't.

Instead, he moved closer to Faith, placing his hand on hers, "What do you want to know?"

She smiled then, and Tom felt the warmness of Faith fill his chest. It felt almost unfamiliar at first, his entire focus had been on such darkness only a moment ago.

"What was your dream career when you were younger?" She asked with a grin.

Tom scoffed, "I didn't have one,"

"What? You must have had something you dreamed of doing, even if you don't want that anymore,"

Tom pondered for a moment. There was something, a lost dream of such, buried down deep in his memories. A child, reading literature in awe, finding his only comfort in words.

"Well, when I was little, before I found out about magic, I wanted to be a writer,"

Faith looked at him in surprise, "a writer?"

Tom nodded. He'd never told anyone this, and had never expected he would. "Yes, not just any writer, a famous one. A great one, like Shakespeare or Mary Shelley,"

Faith frowned, "So, what changed?"

Tom shrugged, "I changed. I found out about magic, and my passion turned to that instead. I'm not a child anymore."

Faith nodded, "I suppose that makes sense," she rested her head on his lap, "You would have been a great writer though, Tom,"

Tom kissed her head. "Maybe, but now I can be something greater,"

Faith seemed to still, knitting her brows and raising her head from his shoulder. Tom looked at her in question.

"What do you want to be now then, when we leave Hogwarts?" She asked.

For a moment, Tom considered telling Faith everything. The new world he would create, that he would lead, with her by his side. A world they could share.

But he didn't. He knew, for now at least, Faith wouldn't respond well to this proposition. She'd need swaying.

"A defence against the dark arts teacher at hogwarts," Tom stated. It was half true, at least.

Faith softened. "Really? Why?"

"Hogwarts is my home, I suppose."

Faith nodded, "Yeah, mine too,"

She lay back down again, head on his lap, as he tangled his fingers in her silvery white hair. "What about you? What do you want to do?"

He could feel Faith's smile, "I want to travel. Go all across the world, and make maps of the stars. I want to document every single light in the sky, stare at them forever, study the changes and sell educational books with my findings, to make some money." She spoke, eyes finding the window as she stared at the night's stary sky with awe, "I want to get out of this house, and loose myself into the sky."

Tom raised his eyebrows with a smile. He loved when she was like this, when passion spread into her words. "Wow, sounds very you,"

She gigled. "Yeah, I guess. Maybe once I've finished travelling, I'll pop back to Hogwarts to see you," She grinned.

"I'd like that," Tom smiled.

"Oh! I could be the Astronomy teacher!"

Tom laughed, "Yes, you could,"

Faith hummed in agreement, closing her eyes as Tom stroked her head.

He stared down at her.

She was defenseless.

She trusted him.

He could do it.

His eyes flittered back to where the book lay.

He could perform the rutual, right here. He could kill her, he could use her as a sacrifice and he could split his soul.

But people would know it was him.

Or, it could have been a suicide.

He looked down at Faith, who was now sleeping peacefully.

Tom snapped out of his thoughts with a shake of his head. The dark thoughts cowered down, to the back of his mind.


He would never kill her. He would never hurt her.

Faith was his. And Tom took great care of his things.


Okay, it's been a while lol.

I'm so sorry I haven't written for AGES, I had exams but they're over now so I finally have time to write again. :D

If you want to see some other stuff I've been working on though, look on ao3, where I've been writing a marauders fanfic and another Tom Riddle fanfic:

•'Futile Devices' on a03, which is a James Potter x Regulus Black fanfic.

•'Of Eden' on a03, which is a Tom Riddle x oc fanfic (with major Lana Del Rey vibes).

Also I have a tik tok ---> @/siriusly_cool_

Thank you all so much for reading!! I never imagined this fic would get so much attention <3

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