Chapter 10

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Tom Riddle had felt uneasy the morning after the dinner party

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Tom Riddle had felt uneasy the morning after the dinner party. Faith confused him, he simply did not understand her. And Tom hated not understanding people; usually he can read people like books, with the help of some legilimency of course.

But Faith Silvers was different. Her mind was foggy, dark, obscure. Almost unreadable. Faith surely wasn't consciously blocking him from her mind, even with Faith's level of power he highly doubted she had mastered oculemency. So why was her mind so murky?

As Tom sat at the breakfast table, he glanced over at Faith; she was beaming, sitting with Amara Fluerie and eating her toast happily. Tom couldn't help but feel perplexed; the silvery tears that ran down her sollen face the night before was plastered his mind. It was irritating.

"My lord," Abraxas Malfoy spoke from next to him, causing Tom to turn towards him, "Do you think Silvers trusts you enough now?"

Tom glared at him. "Not here, Abraxas."

"Sorry, my-"

"And call me Tom, for now Malfoy," Tom interupted, shaking his head exasperated, "Do not forget where we are."

Tom gestured towards Professor Dumbledoor, who was sitting at the staff table enjoying his steaming cup of tea.

"Right, sorry Tom." Abraxas' cheeks were burning under Tom's cold glare.

"But yes, everything is going according to plan," Tom grinned, his twisted, evil grin.

After breakfast, Tom found himself walking by the courtyards on his way to the library. No matter how hard he tried, he could not shake Faith Silvers from his mind. Tom had plans, big plans, and Faith could help.

But something about her made him want to unravel her mind and solve the mystery as if it were a puzzle. It hit him how little he knew about her; she has a brother, Axel, an obnoxious 7th year slytherin who exells in charms. Tom also knew that she came from a long line of Slytherins. But other than that, her past and present was shrouded in mystery.

Before this year, Tom really couldn't have cared less about Faith's family. But the way she spoke about herself, and the fact that she was one of the few other students who consistently stayed at hogwarts over Christmas, he realised something must be wrong.

However, unveiling Faith's life would have to wait. She could be useful, and he knew how to use her.

As he wandered down the corridor by the courtyard, he stopped, noticing a furious looking Ravenclaw girl heading directly for him.

"Hey Riddle," she yelled, "stay away from my friends you creep."

Tom stared at her, astounded. Never once had he spoken to this girl, though he recognised her as Lottie Bright, Faith's friend.

"Apologies Miss Bright", Tom replied in a mocking tone, anger rising in his chest. Who does his stupid girl think she is?
"Did I do something to offend you?"

Lottie rolled her eyes, "You and your group of Slytherin freaks better stay away from me, got it?"

"I'm not quite sure what you are referring to, Bright." Tom replied sternly.

"You two are perfect for each other," she angrily laughed, shaking her head.

"What?" Now Tom was utterly confused.

"Just make sure she doesn't bother us," Lottie muttered at Tom, brushing past him angrily before he could reply.

I promise there will be romance soon lol :)

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