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It was announced that Thalia was going to choose more questers today. "I have decided that I will not choose the questers. My friend Annabeth will do that for me!" she exclaimed. Annabeth was taken aback. Chiron lead her in front.

Annabeth took a deep breath. She was ready for this. She was not doing this the first time. But she had never chosen questers for other's prophecy. "The questers are, Percy, Carter, Phoebe, Grover and Sadie!" Annabeth yelled. All of them came forward except Percy. Then she saw him catching up as well, it looked as if he returning from somewhere.

Then she saw Magnus they had discussed that he, Carter and Sadie will try to on the quest because they were mentioned in the great prophecy but Annabeth needed Magnus to be here to keep eye on things.

So after the meeting ended, she went to Magnus and made him understand.Magnus nodded. The quest was to start the next morning. After this she inspected the Cabins. While doing that she thought about the Great Prophecy. She was thinking why Percy played long term and brought Carter, Sadie and Magnus here just because they were in prophecy. Something was fishy.

Just then, Percy caught up to her. "You gave them a surprise back there choosing unclaimed campers" he said. "Yeah well...spill!" Annabeth commanded "What?" "I said, spill what you are hiding" she told him. "Ok, this going to burst your mind" Percy said. "You forgot that I am a daughter of goddess of wisdom!" Annabeth exclaimed.

And by the end of it, it did burst her mind. Percy told all about the winning in Capture The Flag, all his dreams, the quest and how the Universe was destroyed in the last timeline. Time Travel was too complex for even the smartest, the wisest and the most intelligent.

"So, it was basically not time travel but Chronus sent my consciousness to the past" explained Percy. "O'k, so you are telling me that the myths of Primordials is true. That explains everything! Gaea said Kronos just a pawn to her. But what if Gaea, Apophis and bringing of Ragnarok was just a plan made by Chaos. Every time in all three of them, Chaos sent his pawn to bring the end of world and every mythology but failed. So, he decided to to destroy it himself" Annabeth came to an another explanation.

"That means Chaos is the big bad! Percy concluded, "Do you think we should tell others?" "No Percy, this must remain a secret." They decided to have a meeting among questers only along with Magnus. "This is lot messed up! Annabeth has put up a theory that Gaea, Apophis and bringing of Ragnarok was just a plan made by Chaos. Every time in all three of them, Chaos sent his pawn to bring the end of world and every mythology but failed. So, he decided to to destroy it himself" Percy told them.

"That explains Chaos giving his army to Apophis. And I don't think that it is a coincidence that Apophis is the god of chaos - meaning destruction - which is the name of Chaos" said Carter. Sadie nodded. Thalia was not confused by this as Annabeth had told her that they were mentioned in the prophecy and were not really Greek demigods. "If Chaos is what really matters, then after defeating him, no great prophecies and big villains will be there right?" Magnus asked.

Nobody answered as that would mean accomplishing the impossible and not let Chaos destroy the universe. Well, atleast this time.

PERCY JACKSON AND CHAOS AGAINOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant