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"Okay I really have to go get ready" Beyoncé said on the phone to Angelina, she didn't want to stop their conversation they held all morning, but Solange kept coming in and out of her room reminding her to get ready for Church. "Okay. Say hi to God for me, tell him I got a few bones to pick with him" Angelina said making them both laugh. "I will. I'll call you later. Bye" Beyoncé laughed making Angelina smile "Bye". Angelina decided to get up to go the kitchen where her mom was sat at the dining table watching tv.

"Ah finally had to say goodbye to your girlfriend?" Marcheline teased making Angelina roll her eyes knowing her mom hadn't stopped teasing her since she told her what happened with Beyoncé on Friday. "She has to go to Church" Angelina said before sitting down at the table to eat her breakfast. "Hmm... Do her parents know she likes girls?" Marcheline asked. "I don't think so since she just found out... If they're super religious I don't know how they'd take it" Angelina said honestly thinking of all the possibilities of how her parents could react. "We should meet them, like arrange something" Marcheline said making Angelina shrug, "I'll talk to her about it"...


Beyoncé sat there with her family as she listened to the pastor preaching. Her mind was drifting to Angelina and back to the service taking place, she couldn't concentrate, that is until she heard the pastor give a story of two gay lovers who died. Beyoncé looked up at the pastor as he continued with his story, "It is very sad what happened to them, but their lifestyle is what attracts bad things like that drive by to happen to them. That is why we encourage you all to go out and spread God's word, so it can have the chance to affect at least one person and they change their lifestyle around. There is always hope, praise God". Beyoncé heard everyone respond, "Praise God", but that story didn't feel right in her heart. How could loving someone else be so bad it attracts bad things to happen to you?

After Church, Beyoncé and her family went home and Beyoncé was still focusing on the story told during the service. She had went upstairs and just sat on her bed thinking if what happened to the two gay men could possibly happen to Angelina and her. After a few minutes of just thinking on her bed, Beyoncé heard a knock on her door, "Come in". The door opened to reveal Beyoncé's mother, Tina, "Hey, how come you're not changed?". "I... Just felt tired. I had a little nap" Beyoncé responded as her mother came to sit across from her on her bed.

"You seemed a little quiet after Church... I just wanted to see if you were okay" Tina said making her daughter nod her head immediately. "Yeah I'm good mama" Beyoncé said looking down focusing on her hands. "Beyoncé, you know if you have any questions about anything, you can ask me. I may not have the answers to everything, but I don't want you to feel like you can't come to me for anything... Okay?" Tina said gently making her daughter look up at her. She contemplated for a while before finally responding, "The service today, where pastor was talking about those two gay lovers that got killed... Is it true that being homosexual can get you killed?" Beyoncé asked. "... I don't think so. Loving another person is never wrong... You know your uncle Johnny?" Tina asked making her daughter nod her head remembering the man who helped raise her. "He has a lover who's a man. And he is the sweetest soul I've ever known. He shows how who you love doesn't define you" Tina said, she watched her daughter take in everything she had said before speaking again, "Is there something bothering you?". Beyoncé shook her head but slowly stopped before deciding to respond, "... There's this kid at school, I see them with this other kid and it's clear they like each other... It just made me wonder what they might feel like" Beyoncé said making her mother nod before kissing her forehead...



Angelina walked into home room seeing Beyoncé and Kelly at their desks talking. She walked over to her desk next to them and sat down. "Hey" Angelina said with a smile mostly towards Beyoncé who smiled back along with Kelly. The girls greeted her back and included her into their conversation, but Angelina felt like something was off, Beyoncé was barely looking at her...

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