Must have been a deadly kiss

Start from the beginning

Not being able to decide what was better, Leo was split into two-

The Leo whom everyone knew and the Leo who is apparently evil.

One side must win over the other before this would turn into a problem.

Although the good Leo had no idea what was happening, the evil side of her was adamant about winning. This was who she was supposed to be. She was born to carry her mother's legacy and she would do it.

She would become the symbol of power and bring back the era of ancient magic.

The two sides of Leo were complete opposites except for one thing. Both the sides had a fascination for Tom Riddle.

Speaking of whom, the boy was walking straight towards her. His tall figure could be seen amongst the crowd of students without even trying. He was wearing the same uniform as the others, his hair was parted to the side neatly. Yet, he managed to stand out.

Due to Leo's current state, she didn't even bother to hide how excited she was to see the boy. Her face lit up with a flirty smile. She straightened up and tucked a strand of hair behind her ears.

When Tom was close enough, he immediately noticed the change in Leo. He eyed her up and down and Leo held his gaze confidently.

She was supposed to be stared at. Tom wasn't an exception.

"Where's Leo?" Tom asked without missing a beat.

Leo's smile faltered. She took and few steps back and spread her hands on both sides. She wiggled her fingers while staring at Tom with a smug look.

"I am Leo. Be blessed with my awesome presence," she said in a posh manner while wiggling her eyebrows.

The students walking down the hallway gave her weird looks. Tom didn't give her much time to show off her awesome presence. He yanked her by her collar and started dragging her away.

Instead of going towards the Great hall, he started leading the way towards a more scheduled area where there were fewer prying eyes. It didn't take Leo much effort to free herself from his grip but she decided to follow him anyways.

Once they had reached a quiet corridor, Tom turned on his heels to face her. Leo nearly stumbled into his chest but caught herself at the last minute. She crossed her arms on top of her torso and looked up at the heir of Slytherin with a boring look.

"Why did you bring me here, Tom?" She asked in a teasing manner, "what are your intentions?"

"Bring her back," Tom demanded.

Leo gasped and placed a hand on top of her heart mockingly, "Must you hurt my feelings, Tom?"

When Tom didn't respond, Leo rolled her eyes, "I cannot bring her back. Whatever that means. I am Leo, just a different aspect of myself. If you like my company, you need to accept both sides."

Tom shook his head and took a step closer, "No. Something happened back in that lake. Leo told me. You are not her, not my Leo."

This time, Leo could feel a pang in her heart. The malicious look in her eyes disappeared for a split second and was replaced with a look of hurt. She stared into Tom's dark eyes only to see hate and anger towards her.

She was not welcomed.

She clenched her jaw and put on a mischievous façade. She took a step closer to the boy and looked up at him. Tom searched her face for any trace of the Leo he was searching for, only to earn a scoff from the girl.

"Oh, Tom. You don't understand, do you?" She cooed.

Tom stared at her, waiting for her to elaborate.

"The Leo you are searching for won't be here for long. She is reminiscent of my past self and would soon disappear. And the promise that she gave you would be broken," Leo spoke as of she was talking to a stubborn child.

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