Chapter Three - K's House

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"Ship of white light in the sky
Nobody there to reason why"

We just had dinner (instant noodles - K's favourite) and now she is giving me a tour around her apartment. The kitchen over here, we eat at the table which is also where we do everything like school work, the bathroom is there and entrance/exit is there.

Kanade stops, making me almost bump into her.

"Is everything okay?" I look at her with concern.

"Y/n. Call me... Kanade."

"Huh, why?"

"That'a my real name. K is just my stage name."

"Kanade. It's a pretty name."

"Mhmm... yeah."

She looks down in thought and I pat her on the shoulder gently. To think she would be my room mate - we would essentially become sisters! Her personality is great, calm, quiet, and her hair is so beautifully straight. Kanade probably sees me as a sister too -
No Y/n. That's wishful thinking and you can't afford more of that. Not after what happened with your family.

While I'm deep in thought, Kanade looks up at me and whispers. "You look tired. I'll show you the bedroom. Sorry if it's messy." I tell her not to worry and we go over. It's dark and is a little messy, but it doesn't matter. There's a bunch of CD's, DVD's, and other stuff scattered across the floor and her computer screen emanates a gentle blue light, creating a peaceful atmosphere.

"For now, you can sleep... there." She points at a blue, fluffy beanbag bed in the floor next to her laptop. I can't help but giggle; come on! It has bunny ears and a little tail too~

Kanade tells me to get comfortable and suit myself, then walks off to do her own things. I'm almost tempted to sneak after her and look at what she's doing, but suppress the curiosity inside me. Now that I think about it, I don't have any other clothes than these, or a toothbrush to myself. But again, Miku must've organised my arrival. I run to the bathroom, and there sits my yellow toothbrush. I could get used to this.

"Y/n, can you come when you're done?"

I mumble a yes, full of toothpaste in my mouth. I quickly finish off and meet Kanade in her room. "Miku told me to tell you a few things about the way things work. You go to school with us as usual, there are other kids, but some of them are in competing music circles against us. So don't hang out with the wrong people." She scoffs the last part. Talk about change of demeanour. "But it should be okay. We'll always stick with you." After a moment of silence, a question pops up in my mind. "How do I go back to that empty SEKAI when I want to?" She pauses to think and smiles. "It's different for everyone. Once you discover it, you'll know it." I nod, considering what she just said.

Kanade's POV

"I'm going to  go to sleep now, you should too. School's on tomorrow." I say.

"Okay then. Goodnight K - I mean, Kanade."

I pause. Does she prefer calling me K, or is she just used to it, or is it easier to remember? Anyway, it doesn't matter. I'm just over thinking again. I've always overthought things ever since my father... yeah. That makes me wonder, if Miku chose Y/n to be with us, what struggles did she go through?

"Goodnight. Actually one more thing. About the next show we're hosting, do you think you would be confident enough to perform with us? Y/n?"

I look over to Y/n. She's curled up on the beanbag comfortably and fits snugly in it. Fast asleep already and it's not even 1:00am. It's quite cute to be honest, she even looks like a bunny herself. I sigh and smile, enjoying the gentle mood of the moment.

"...Rest well then."

Stage Fright (Discontinued)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon