Chapter 12

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Season 1 Episode 12

Kendall Pov

We arrive back at the skyscraper and Kylie saw us along with Stormi's new ride making Kylie laugh making everyone turn to us shaking their heads laughing softly knowing Stormi is gonna be on that car 24/7

Stormi:"Y/n,look im gonna hit mommy."She said making Y/n turn the car around to avoid Kylie making Kylie smile.

While we all decorated,we heard laughing making us turn to see a dinosaur toy chasing Stormi as she was on the car making us laugh knowing it was Y/n in the dinosaur suit.

Stormi"Mowwy,scary,dinosour."She said making us laugh.

Y/-i mean the dinosaur picked up Stormi as it spun her before taking off it's disguise revealing it was Y/n.

Stormi:"Uncle,where's dinosaur?"She said raising both of her palm to her shoulder.

We all laugh as he shrug.Everyone was hiding as we waited for Bella arrival.We heard the lift doors open along with the sound of Bella.We all jumped shocking her making her throw her purse but luckily Y/n caught it before it could hit me.

Bella:"OH FUCK I'm so sorry."She said making me laugh along with Y/n.

We all drank and had fun while Y/n was taking care of the kids making me turn to see Y/n on the floor tickling Saint and Stormi while North and Mason was doing the same.

I walk over making them all look at me.Y/n pushed North lightly making her turn to him.

Y/n:"Told you she was hot."He said with a smirk making North roll her eyes making us laugh.

Y/n pulled me down on his lap as he connect our lips making me deepen the kiss.

"PDA!"We heard the kids say making us pull away slightly laughing.

I saw his eyes had a twinkle making me laugh.

Y/n:"I have a surprise for you."He whispered in my ear making me pull back and give him a questioning look.

He stood up making my arms go to wrap around his neck while my legs go around his torso.we walked outside as we stood on the edge.

Y/n:"Remember the time you said what it would be like to jump off a skyscraper."He ask making my eyes widen realising.

Kendall:"No way.Babe!"I said hugging him tightly.

Y/n:"Except your going with me instead of some random dude because well.Your my girlfriend and i love you."He said kissing my cheek making me laugh.

Y/n walked inside as he grabbed a backpack as he called everyone outside.

Y/n:"As you all know it's Bella birthday and she always said she wanted money to rain so..."

We heard a helicopter making us look up as money slowly poured on us making me and Y/n share a look.

Kris:"What are you guys doung?!"She screamed making everyone turn to see us on the edge of the skyscraper.

Kylie tried to get to us but Y/n pulled me by the waist to him before falling backward making me scream as we slowly descend from the skyscraper.I look up to see my family and friends looking at us as if we were crazy.Y/n pulled the line when we were close making the parachute appear.


We walk back up laughing our ass of as it revealed Bella.

Bella:"Thank you,Y/n."She said hugging him making me smile.

We all walk back inside as the party continued.

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