Chapter 4

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I could not believe how attached I have become to this man in as little as 48 hours. However, I don't really socialize outside of training. Everyone kept looking at him, he must be well known, I wonder why I do not know of him. 

We walked to a beautiful house, as we entered the gate, I tried to memorize the way home for when I walk later.  As we entered the gate there was a small pond and a willow tree to our right, it was beautiful here, there were flowers scattered around, but something that caught my eye was a garden to the side of the house. It was honestly a mansion, "Is this your house?" I asked as we walked up to the steps leading to the front door. 

"One of them."

I looked at his with wide eyes before we walked in getting immediately greeted by a butler and some maids, "Edward is lunch ready?" the butler quietly said "Yes, master du-"

"Thank you, leave us please."

As we walked through the entrance hall I let go of his arm and started to look around more before we entered the dining room, "Your house is marvelous" I said and went to take my seat, him beating me to pull it back for me. "Thank you, I am quite fond of it."

"You truly intend on courting me?" I said as I put my napkin in my lap and looked down at the delicious meal that his staff had prepared, I probably had not eaten this consistently since I was young, too busy with studies and trainings to remember. He looked at me and narrowed his golden eyes, "Do you not wish for me to?" I shook my head. "I do not mind it." He leaned forward and it seemed his voice had dropped an octave as he said, "But do you enjoy me courting you so far?" I blushed and nodded "I do, yes" 

"Good girl"

I was cutting up my food as he said it and I did not know that it would affect me that much, his voice was the cherry on top I mean what was that. I looked down at my lap and realized I squeezed my legs together from that, I'm officially a pervert. I knew my face was red, I could feel it, I had not blushed like this since forever, I can't believe this man is turning me into this. 

I ate slowly not looking up and trying to have my mouth full to discourage him from trying to talk to me, it didn't work.

"You quite like the food." he chuckled, and I nodded "I'm glad you are enjoying it, I will make sure to note it and tell my chef." I looked up and saw him almost done with his second portion, I saw I was almost done too, oh god.

"You are interesting you know?"

I looked up at him tilting my head "How so?" I asked

"You are so extremely independent and strong, and yet you get flustered easily, you are quite a contradiction." I immediately blush and refuse to look down trying my hardest to swallow the lump in my throat "Is that bad?" His eye widened "No, of course not, I find it quite adorable."

"oh", he could never hold his tongue, much like myself. His face was so nice to look at and yet he was wanting to court me, I still do not fully understand it. He chuckled again and I fished my plate and drink "Thank you for the meal, sir" "Please just call me Geralt" I nodded and looked up as he said it this time, maybe he knows how much I like it, "Good girl". I immediately felt my face go red as my thighs tightened trying to stop my inner thighs from getting wet. I continued to look at him as I tried my best to act unphased, he was trying to hide his smirk as I did.

"Would you look at that, the weather has taken a sharp turn" I looked out the window almost not believing my eyes, the winds were pushing the trees effortlessly, I rose from my seat going toward the full-length windows, "Do you think my mother and sister are okay?" I said as I turned to him. He looked at me and hesitated, and without another thought I started walking toward his front door "This has been lovely, but I must go check on-" "No" he said and grabbed my upper arm I turned back toward him and looked at his hand on my arm, although it did not look like he was letting go. "I will send a soldier of mine to go check on them" I looked up at him and huffed "Only if it is a woman soldier" I said and thought I had got him, most people do not employ women soldiers, "It shall be done" he said and let go of my arm.

"What about me? How will I get home?" I said and looked up at him annoyed. 

"Simple you will stay in my guest room" I smiled at first and it slowly fell off my face, "My mother would never allow that." I said and narrowed my eyes, truth is the woman could care less, she is always blabbering about me getting married but also grandbabies, anything to help. "That is interesting because when I went to go see you earlier, she was asking when you would be moving in with me and when we were getting married." He smirked as he looked down at me.

"Fine but I need a bath, and some clothes." I said as I sighed, I guess I was not going to get my way.

He grabbed my hand and started leading me up the stairs, "I will show you the bathroom, and then have a maid fetch you some clothes." I followed behind him as we go onto the next floor, he walked down a hallway and then opened a door, as we stepped in, I could barely see because of the mist in the air. This tub is not even a tub at all, it is a room simply for the bath, which is as big as a pool, there were rose petals scattered in the steaming water and rosemary sitting on top as well. The room smelled amazing.

"Is this fit for your bathing?" I nodded quickly and then let go of his hand realizing I was still holding it. 

He walked out of the room, and I went behind a curtain to take off my clothes, I am glad he did not have any servants in here. As I got out of my sticky leather gear I smiled at the feeling of the hot air, I walked toward the bath and stepped in slowly making sure not to slip, the water temperature was to die for, and I smiled widely as I sat on the seating all around and started to relax, inhaling the magnificent smell. 

My head snapped to the sound of a door opening, not the only that I had come through one that was leading in another direction. I sat up a bit making sure that the water covered me and watched as Geralt walked in, in nothing but a towel. I immediately looked away.

But the glimpse I had caught was enough to fuel my mind in replaying it as I turned my head, his body had scars all over, and even more muscles than scars. He had very thick legs, for some reason that was extremely making me hot and bothered. 

"Sorry to intrude but I needed a bath as well and this is the only ones that is prepared at the moment."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 28, 2022 ⏰

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