Chapter 2

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I turned toward the house and started to walk back through the garden toward the doors, as I started to walk that man came and liked our arms. "If we are to convince everyone I am courting you we must look like it." I nodded and matched his pace, as we walked closer, I grabbed my umbrella "What is your name?"

He smirked and turned toward me "Geralt" he said and outstretched his hand toward me, I put my hand in his and he brought my hand to his lips kissing it gently. I blushed and curtsied as I lightly said "Aurora", we continued walking and as we entered the hall of the banquet, I looked up taking all the lavish decorations in. 

As I got down to the ground level, I saw the buffet making my stomach turn as I tried to hide my hunger, however something was off, everyone was staring at me and Geralt. I guess he really was of high rank. 

"Now that all of our guests have joined us everyone, please take your assigned seats" A loud voice rang, I did not bother looking for who had said this as I approached the large table holding placement after placement. I stayed toward the end of the table knowing I would have my card there because of my low rank, as I searched, I found my card and pulled my chair out to take a seat, as I was about to sit an arm reached in front of me and grabbed my placement card off my dish. 

"You will sit next to me." I knew it was Geralt by his grating voice, he walked closer to the head of the table and eventually sat at the head surprising me, he pulled a servant over and had asked his to exchange the place card next to him with mine. I looked at the floor even feeling judgment from the servant. 

"Keep your eyes to yourself before you lose them." he said sternly making my head look up at his glaring at the servant. I sat in the seat next to him and sat my hand son my lap not knowing what to do, as everyone began to take their seats, I could see the chatter coming from my placement, my dress although the best my family could provide was clearly not that of a noble. I stared down at my hands as I tried to avoid the stares I was getting.

Geralt stood "As you all know we hold this banquet to help our unspoken for ladies and gentlemen find a suitable wife or husband, we have an amazing turn out this year, Huzzah! -" everyone loudly mimicked him "- we shall eat and then for all of those who are not yet courted will attend our second mixer while those who have will spend time getting to know each other better. Let us feast" he raised his glass, and everyone followed. 

As we ate there was chatter around the table, the food was delicious I had never had anything like it, I could not help but to daydream about what I would do in my practice tomorrow how I needed to work on my moving targets for archery, and my recovery time in combat. 

"Is the food to your liking?" I looked up and smiled "It is to die for!" I said excitedly. "Do you put on this banquet?" He took a sip of his champagne and smiled "No, I am the highest-ranking bachelor here, so I make the toast and sit at the head, the city throws this every year to help match make our people of status. However, I do have the hang of the events at this point"

"How many have you been to?"


"Why so many?"

"I have some what of high standards"

"Is it because of your high rank?" I said as I cut into my beautifully prepared chicken. 

" I do not care for rank, I have high standards when it comes to who I will court or marry, I want a woman of substance not just a pretty thing to own." He sneered as he got to the last part.

I smiled and then as I slowly finished as much on my plate as I could within the time, I heard another bell. 

"Unspoken for ladies and gentlemen please proceed to our ballroom, those of you courting please feel free to explore the rest of the house."

I rose from my seat and turned around as Geralt pulled my chair out for me. I moved to the side and began walking as Geralt entwined our arms again and started to lead the way, looking like he knew where he was going to go. We walked past all of the others who were leisurely strolling and went up the stairs as we continued down a hall I smiled taking in the decor, Geralt turned toward and door and grabbed it open for me. 

"This is the cities house used for noble visitors and banquets, but it has other such things as well." I looked into the room and my smile took over as I looked up at the ceiling and saw the ceiling absent and stars in the place of it. "I was up here earlier when I saw you" I looked toward the window he was looking out and sure enough I saw the section of the garden I was in and the entrance to the maze, a few couples scattered outside enjoying the spring air, the sun must have set while we ate however the paths were lit up. This property was beautiful, although I think so Geralt probably is so used to all this lavish lifestyle has to offer.

"Why did you come down to talk to me?"

"You were away from everyone else, usually that is not how people interact at these gatherings, plus you seemed different from everyone else here."

"I am, I am not high born like everyone else."

"Me neither."

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