Who are you?

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Amber's pov...

Ow..my head hurts....

As i opened my eyes i looked around this mysterious place to end up barely seeing anything, not even a simple blur forcing its way into my vision. Even though i can't really see anything i'm sort of guessing that i am in some kind of place where....i don't know...humans may live? My grandma would always tell me when i was coral years under that human places were filled with nothing but scary humans who would skin you alive, boil your scales, and sail you to other mermaid eating humans. In all honesty i...sort of believe right now. This place may seem scary but i wasn't at all that scared. In fact, instead of this place being scary like our elder mermaids used to tell us this place is just plain weird. I mean...i'm not judging but...how could anyone even breathe with all this dry air floating around? And i bet that's not even the worst part. I've heard that humans have...now what were they called again? ....it had something to do with a letter L. Uh...legs? Yeah...legs, that's what humans like to walk on. I've heard that human people walk on legs to get to their location, which is super weird because how does legs even work? I mean...how can people even move without a tail in the first place?

And speaking of legs....

As i wiggled my supposed tail on the ground i furrowed my eyebrows in confusion. Why does my tail feel weird?

In response to my confusion I looked down at my...tail? 

Just by the sight of my tail being gone i became more terrified than confused. Where could my tail have gone? Did i lose it on the full moon or something?

In response i screamed at the top of my lungs, swinging my now human legs in the air. In response some terribly loud noise started to form through my head, causing me to break out of...a...strapped...what is this thing i'm sitting on? As i was attending to break out of....whatever this is supposed to be i stopped what i was doing and looked at what i was tied up to. As the loud noise from out of nowhere continued the door burst open to reveal five kids with weird things in their hands. 

Now since the sun was now a little brighter than usual i shut my eyes tightly to only hear the sounds of a...human boy talking. 

" KIDS NEXT DOOR BATTLE STATIONS!," he shouted at the top of his lungs, causing me to flinch my eyes shut real tight.

For a human boy he can be pretty darn loud. Is that how all humans are like here on this place called land?

As i continued to scream the sun inside of...whatever this place is shined inside of here, causing me to see them more clearly. 

Who were in front of me were five human kids. One of them were bald with those weird that weird thing i've heard that blind people like to wear to cover their eyes. He was wearing a blood and for whatever that thing was on his human legs that humans like to wear to cover themselves up and he didn't look all that happy to see me...hmm...i wonder why.

As i continued to scream i stopped and clenched my eyes shut. " I HAVE LEGS!," i shouted, still kicking my human legs violently in the air. The girl with the blood red cap folded up her arms in annoyance." Uh...yeah....we can see that," she said, looking at me.

" OH COME ON!," the boy with weird hair shouted in both anger and annoyance. " We came in here all because some stupid girl is afraid of her own toes?," he asked, swinging his arms up and down in anger. As i got my clearer vision back the first person i was able to describe was the bald kid more clearly than usual with his angry expression.

And as for the rest of them there was a chubby kids who dresses the weirdest out of all of them. He was wearing one of those...uh...goggle things that my mom brought me for my moon day. And he was wearing some swim cap on his head that humans like to wear and he seemed happy to see me....unlike the first one.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2022 ⏰

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