Part 2

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Jinx dragged herself back to The Last Drop, feeling a lot more drained than usual. Silco was probably wondering where she was because she spent a good portion of the night crying in a random corner about someone she'd long since thought was dead.

She made her way to his office and didn't bother knocking as she walked in. The man just watched her as she came over crawled onto his desk and curled herself up. He was silent while waiting for her to speak.

"She's alive." She muttered and he tensed up but Jinx was too busy looking at her knees to notice.

"Who might she be?"


There was a beat of silence that Silco broke by letting out a small cough.

"She was one of your friends, correct? How do you know she's alive?"

"I found her."

"Hmm... And what happened?"

"She ran from me." Tears welled in her eyes though before he could do anything she jumped up and launched herself up to the support beams on the ceiling, forcing him to look up at her.

"Jinx..." He started slowly, still deciding what to say while he spoke. He didn't want to upset her.

"This friend of yours might not recognize you... You have changed. She probably has too. How can you be sure it's her?" He asked and Jinx actually looked insulted before slamming back down on his desk, making it rattle and his eyes widened as he made sure nothing fell, though his drink did wobble for a few seconds.

"I'd recognize Tator Tot anywhere." She glared down at him before there was a sudden slam on the door. Both their heads turned to it and Jinx's widened when she saw the girl she was just speaking about.

"But you can't get my name right." She spoke while walking toward the two, but her eyes stayed locked on the blue-haired girl.

Silco's eyes were just as wide and he didn't hesitate to pull out a gun and aim it at her. She barely gave him a glance before focusing on his daughter. Jinx stepped off the table and stood between the gun and her old friend. Whether she was actually trying to protect the girl or not, Silco lowered the gun and just stared.

Once the other girl was staring Jinx dead in the eyes with a glare, the blue-haired girl could feel herself holding her breath, unsure what she should do or say.

"Who are you, and why do you talk like you know me? How do you even know that name? Talk quickly because I'm already irritated."

Jinx couldn't speak as she just stared. Putting together all the familiar facial features she got to see up close after so long.

She didn't get a chance to react to how fast the other girl suddenly grabbed her shoulder and flipped her around, pushing her face onto the desk, knocking most things over, but Silco didn't pay that any mind as he stood up.

"Jinx!" His gun was to her head in an instant, but the orange-haired girl didn't move. The only reason he was hesitating was that Jinx still hadn't moved, though he knew she could. And he was surprised that this girl would even pull something like this.

"We-we used to play together, with the others! And Vander took care of us together sometimes! You even helped out on a few missions!" Jinx sounded desperate as she yelled out, hoping that would be enough. She wanted to just yell that she was Powder, but could she really? Because that wasn't who she was anymore. She would just be lying.

The girl's grip loosened before she was flipped around, but still pinned to the desk. She stared again, though this time the other girl stared back.

"...Powder?" As she asked Jinx could feel her grip tighten again as if she was angry just thinking about her so she offered a nervous grin.

Not My NameTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang