27 | until death do us part

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You hear the sound of faint knocking at your door. You groan as you roll over so your face is smushed into your pillow. "Who is it?"

Mikasa comes out from behind the door. "Same person that always wakes you up every other morning."

You sit up as she begins to pull open the drapes on your windows. "What time is it?" You dig your nail into your inner eye duct.

"About 7:30." She replies, her face never facing yours. All you could see was the back of her head and her pin-straight, black hair that covered her side profile as well.

You yawn. "And what time did I go to bed last night?" You only ask because you don't recall passing out.

She opens the closet and holds the doors open as she stares into it. "I don't know. I didn't sleep with you."

Her voice sounded the always it always did. But for some reason, it came off robotic, like she was reading off a script.

"Why are you being so mean?" You ask. Mikasa wasn't a morning person to say the least, but she knew how to hide it and do her job. She didn't normally wake you up this coldly.

She finally looks at you. For some reason, chills crawl up your spine when she does. "Don't you remember what you did to me?"

"What?" You ask. Suddenly, the normal scent to your room begun to gravitate into something far more horrid. The smell of smoke and decaying skin.

She comes up to you and grabs your arm harshly. You come slipping out of the bed as she uses her strength to bring you to the other side of the room. "Come on. You're going to be late."

"Late?" You question. "To what? And what is that smell?!"

As she forces you toward your closet, you look down at her arm that gripped yours when you notice the smell came from there. "Mikasa?"

Before you can watch the scene before you, she throws you in front of the open wardrobe and you come face to face with a big, white wedding dress.

"You're getting married today." Mikasa says. Her voice was completely unfazed by what was happening to her arm. It was like she couldn't even feel it.

"To who?"

"To Jean." She smiles.

You feel your shoulders fall. "I am?"

Her smile drops but she still manages to laugh. "Not even in your dreams."

Before you can even respond, you hear a knock at the door. This knock much more persistent and heavy. The sound felt obnoxious on the ears.

When you look at the door, charcoal smoke spills out from every crack. It slowly began to fill the room as the knocking got more and more frantic.

"Time to go now." Mikasa says.

"I don't want to." You respond.

She leans into your ear as you watch the pounding door that exudes toxic chemicals. "Then you lose."

A woman shakes your shoulders as you lay against the cold ground. You spring awake and adjust the strap of your dress that had fallen down.

When you don't recognize the faces of the two women standing in front of you, you crawl backwards. The older woman, the one who shook you, brings her hands out in front of her. "We didn't mean to frighten you."

The younger one, probably in her late 20's, speaks from beside her. "It's just... you're on the ground."

You look at your surroundings for a second. You were no longer in your room back home like you were just a moment ago. This room was strange and unfamiliar. Regardless, you knew exactly where you were.

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