7 | the last good day

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You start to feel your body wake up little by little. Your eyelashes flutter as sunlight bleeds through them and you pull the covers over your head.

It was Sunday and it was well known in the castle that the royal family considered Sundays to be a "family day."

Your mom made it a rule a couple years back when she realized you were all growing so fast and barely spent time together since everyone was always so busy.

She had one day just announced that everyone should do nothing work/school related on Sundays and instead spend the entire day with eachother if bearable.

Usually, after a while of spending the day together, everyone separates and goes on to do their own thing. You can love your family to death but after a while, you need a break.

There was no class, no lessons, no important meetings or no interruptions from the outside world. It was the day of the week that your parents forced all of you to spend a bunch of time together to make up for the entire week of practically never seeing each other.

So because it was considered a more family based day, a lot of the workers weren't required to work except of course, some of the important ones.

Mikasa, for example, had the day off Sundays. She didn't need to come wake you up and force you out of bed to get you dressed like she usually did every morning. She didn't need to be at your side the entire day or even have to deal with you at all.

Of course, she still lived here so it was common for you to bump into her and you two usually hung out sometimes on her day off too. It honestly depended on how fed up she was with you that week.

Since Mikasa had off, so did Jean. A majority of the guards still worked Sundays since they couldn't let all of them have off because the castle still had to be guarded 24/7. The weekly schedule varied to alternate shifts so that guards had every other Sunday off.

But Jean was no longer just a guard. He had moved up to just being yours. Clearly, if a war broke out, he'd have to fight regardless of his status. But fortunately enough for him, that wasn't the case today so he had the day off.

So, that meant you had nobody hovering over you today even though technically, you did since you had to spend time with your three older brothers who were just as protective as Mikasa and Jean, if not more.

Not that you were complaining really, you loved spending time with your family. On the days when they're not stressed or in a hurry, they were actually really fun.

Sundays aren't just for family though. It was also a personal day to just relax and be alone. To just enjoy the day the way you want to.

Well, as close as you can get to what you want.

Since there was no one coming to wake you up, you slept in. That was another absolutely amazing thing about Sundays.

You blink repeatedly as your irises adjust to the faint sunlight shining through your curtains. You were surprised they were pulled together considering you didn't recall closing the curtains last night. That only meant Mikasa came to your room while you were sleeping to make sure you made it okay and closed them for you.

You do a quick stretch before you sit up in bed and rub your eyes, making sure to dig your nail in the corner ducts of your eyes to get rid of any eye boogers.

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