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Dragon Ball Super: Evolution


It was a deadlock. Even beaten down, battered, bruised, and depleted of energy...Goku still managed to summon up the strength to hold back Omega Shenron's Minus Ball. It surprised the Shadow Dragon and self-proclaimed 'god of destruction'. He was sure he had put more than enough power into his attack to kill both Goku and Vegeta at the same time ten times over. Yet, still Goku persisted and resisted his inevitable demise. It was a testament to how irritatingly stubborn saiyans could be when pushed to the brink.

"I need more power!!" Omega shouted, pushing harder on his own attack.

The ground cracked under Goku's feet as he was pushed back. He couldn't help but grit his teeth and wince at the strain he was under, still there was no way he was giving up so easily. Pushing back, he struggled not to let the minus ball overwhelm him as he planted his feet in the crumbling ground beneath his feet. "I won't let it end this way," he thought stubbornly. "If I don't do something soon the lives of my family and everyone else on this planet will be lost forever."

"Last chance to give up before I attack!!" Goku shouted, powering up as much as he could to hold back the minus ball. His aura flared around him, enveloping him as the surrounding area around him was blown away.

Omega chuckled. "Yeah right," he said, gathering more power and pushing it into his minus ball - making it grow three times larger as well as stronger. "I give up."

The blasted slammed into Goku, bypassing his struggle to keep it at bay and consuming. The eldest son turned child again cried out his pain as he took the full force of Omega's Minus ball - which was his plan to begin with, but that didn't make it hurt any less. Vegeta stared in shock as his rival and best friend was consumed by the blast. The wind from the force of the attack as it blew up the ground and everything in the vicinity launched him back despite his struggle to remain in place. "Kakorotttt!!" he cried out as he was blown away and he wasn't the only one. Goten quickly shielded his mother as Gohan shielded his wife and daughter and Uub tried to shield Mr. Satan as the wind blew them all away too. The sky was bathed in a red glow that consumed all and the force of the blast could be both felt and seen for miles - not to mention from space as well. Slowly, the aftermath of the blast dissipated and all that was left in its wake were ruins of an already ruined city. The ground had been grinded into sand, builds knocked over or shattered to pieces - leaving only chunks of remains, and where Son Goku once stood was a crater the size of an extinction level asteroid.

The z-fighters quickly gathered towards the edge of the crater, standing on chunks of ground and building remains to get a better view once they all regained their bearings. The last to join them was Mr. Satan who surprisingly survived the aftermath with no injuries, even though Uub wasn't able to shield him in time. He crawled out from the broken wall he had landed behind slowly with his hands on his head. Looking around, he realized he was still alive and breathe a sigh of relief. "That was close," he thought, standing up. Seeing everyone else not too far from him, he walked over to them. "Looks like we made it," he muttered to himself. He goes to say something, but stops as even he can feel the intense atmosphere in the air. Something was wrong. Keeping his mouth shut, he walked over to stand next to his granddaughter and was about to ask what was wrong when he saw it for himself. His eyes widen to the size of dinner plates and sweat immediately gathered on his forehead in shock and fear. He could see the crater and it wasn't just overly gigantic, it was deep as well. All that could be seen was pitch blackness within it. It made him realize two things, one: they had escaped death by just a hair and two: Goku was mostly likely dead. There was no way that even someone like him could survive such an attack. The realization of these two things had him sinking to his knees, eyes still locked on the crater. "It's over. We're done for," he thought in despair.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2023 ⏰

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