Chapter 12-I Knew It!

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It was the middle of June, I was sleeping since it was the middle of the night. I was back in Ohio. I woke up to sharp pain in my chest, the TV crackled with static. Freddie Mercury showed up on the screen.

What the fuck? I walked up to the TV and pressed a button to turn the volume up.  I recognized the song.

Time Waits for Nobody.

I remembered the deal that I had made with Ryan.

"Why?" Bam asked.

"It's to know that we're with the other person," I explained.

"And when one of us dies, we'll get a pain in the chest and the song..." Ryan thought for a bit, "Time Waits for Nobody will play."

"Ryan!" I screamed.

"What?" Johnny mumbled.

"Get dressed! We need to go to West Chester!" I demanded.

"Why?" Johnny asked, he started to freak out a bit.

"Ryan's in trouble!"

"What do you mean?" Johnny asked, putting his clothes on. I pulled my pants up.

"Remember that "pact" that we made?"

"Yeah, so?"

"Freddie Mercury started playing and I got a sharp pain in my chest. Ryan's not ok!"

Johnny started to panic as we got the kids dressed and into the car. I sped down to West Chester and made it there within two and a half hours.

When I got on the high-way, I stopped. There was a car that looked exactly like Ryan's in the ditch, there were tons of ambulances.

"What happened?!" I urgently asked the paramedic.

"Ma'am, I can't tell you," the paramedic brushed me off in a panicked state.

"Look, that's probably my best friend in there, Man!" I gestured to the ambulance. "Can you — at least — tell me who was in there."

"There were two people, both male. That's the only information I can give you," the paramedic told me.

"Ok," I slowly nodded then walked away. When I got into the car, I slammed my hand on the wheel and cried.

"Did they tell you anything?" Johnny asked me.

"No. Only that there were two people, both male," I replied.

"Do you think it could be him?"

"I don't know!"

"Daddy? Is Mommy ok?" Nix wondered.

"Mommy's ok," I turned to Nix.

"Then why are you crying?" Rose stared at me.

"Because Mommy's worried for Uncle Ry-Ry," I told her.

"Maybe we should go to your mother's house," Johnny suggested.

"Yeah, drop the kids off then head to the hospital," I agreed. I called my mom on the way to her house.


"Hey, Mom?"

"Honey, what's the matter? It's five in the morning."

"I know. Look, I'm coming to bring the kids to your place then I'm going to the hospital."

"Why? What happened?"

"I don't know. All I know is that Ryan might've... he might be gone."


"There's been a car accident and they won't tell me anything besides that there were two guys in the car."

"They have to tell you something, right? It could be your friend."

"I know," I sniffled, "but that's why I'm going to the hospital."


"I'll see you in about five minutes."

"Ok, bye."


Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck!

"Maybe it's all a coincidence?" Johnny said.

"No! That was our song, it's old so it shouldn't even be playing on TV!" I raced to my mother's house. "The TV wasn't even on!"

Johnny stayed quiet. We got to my mom's house and dropped the kids off.

"Where's Bam?" I asked with teary, puffy eyes.

"Missy's," my mom replied, clearly worried. Missy was Bam's wife.

"Ok, I'll see you later, Mom," I said.

"Ok," my mom watched as I left. I raced to the hospital which only took about five minutes. I kept calling Ryan but there was no answer. Once I got to the hospital, I saw all of Ryan's family.

"I knew it!" I cried out, dropping to my knees.


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