Chapter 10-Magnets

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It was the first day in Greece, everything was beautiful. Johnny and I walked around to look at the old buildings that attracted people here.

I delicately ran the tips of my fingers along the bricks. I was aware that Johnny had a camera on him — I wasn't acting for the camera, I was being me and I was happy, really happy. Johnny gave me everything I wanted or needed, he was my happy place.

Sometimes, home isn't a place, it's a person and my person was Johnny. He gave me happiness, marriage, kids, love... he made me truly happy. I didn't care that we were getting filmed, I just wanted to be happy with Johnny and the kids.

We didn't really eat since the jet lag really took a toll on us, we fell asleep in each other's embrace.

The next day was pretty normal, we were ok — talking about the jet lag — so we decided to go get a souvenir since we usually do that. We both got a little helmet that the soldiers used to wear but these weren't real — obviously.

When we got to our hotel, I called my mom.

"Hey, Mom."

"Hey, Honey. How's the honeymoon?"

"Pretty good, jet lag got us good last night."



"Where's Johnny?"

"He's uh... he's cooking."

"He's cooking?"

"Yeah, he made me sit down and watch him while he cooked."

"How romantic."

"Yeah, burnt pasta is very attractive," I joked while walking outside, Johnny smiled at me as I walked out.

"Are you outside?"



"Johnny's been real nice, I often wonder if he deserves better 'cause I don't deserve this."

"Yes, you do. Honey, you deserve the world."

"The world, huh?"


"You sound like Johnny," I smiled.

My mom chuckled then changed the subject, "So, what'd you guys do last night?"


"Well, that's boring."

"Mom, jet lag?"

"Oh, yeah. How's Greece?"

"Beautiful, but I think that Germany and Switzerland look kinda romantic."

"Yeah, you gonna conceive some children there?"

"Mom! No! I already have enough with the kids."

My mom giggled a little, "There's no such thing as enough."

"Yeah, enough grandchildren," I joked.

"Yeah," my mom laughed.

"How are the kids?"

"Oh, they're doing great!"

"Oh, yeah?"

"Yeah, they're not missin' ya yet."

I chuckled, "Yet."

My mom also chuckled, "Ok, I'm gonna let you go."

"Ok. Bye, Mom."

"Bye, Honey."

"Tell the kids that we love them."


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