Chapter 9-It's Been A Long, Long Time

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A Teenager's Romance. One of my favourite songs, playing on the radio. I felt like I could relate to Ricky Nelson just by the lyrics. Ricky Nelson was one of my favourite singers, I enjoyed loads of his songs. I know he's an old artist but his music is really good and relatable for hopeless romantics like I.

"A teenager's romance," Johnny hummed as he grabbed me by the waist.

"What do you want, Johnny? I'm baking," I asked.

"I know, I've come to love you," Johnny replied, rocking me back and forth. I smiled. There was a knock on the door then when Johnny opened the door, Ryan came in.

"Ryan, what the hell are you doing here in Ohio?" I questioned Ryan.

"What? Am I not allowed to see my friends?" Ryan smiled at me. I shook my head while sharing a smile.

It's Been A Long, Long Time turned on the radio. I looked at Ryan, I didn't have feelings for him but it was nice to know that he was there and sharing the same thought. I continued baking my cookies and cake for the twins' Birthday party — which was coming up.

We were gonna have Nix's and Rose's Birthday in Ohio then we'd have my wedding, while Johnny and I were on our honeymoon, my parents would be watching the kids. We were planning on having our honeymoon for a week since Johnny knew that I didn't want to be away from home and the kids for a while, he respected it.

We were planning on going to Greece and I was planning on documenting it the entire time. When I was gone dress shopping, none of the dresses hit the right spot till I saw a beautiful white, laced dress.

The upper-body part was like a white corset that was covered in rhinestones, there was a rhinestone "belt" that kind of "dripped" down the front of the dress. The bottom of the long dress was beautifully laced and rhinestoned. The veil was thin lace that matched the less fancy parts of the dress.

"Oh, God," I whispered, "that's beautiful."

"You like it?" my mom asked.

"Yes," I replied.

"Try it on," my mom instructed me. I did so and when I walked out, my mom's jaw dropped to the floor. I looked at myself in the mirror and nearly cried, it was beautiful. "How does it fit?"

"It fits like a glove, Mom," I said.



"It's beautiful on you."

"It's beautiful off me, too."

"Yeah, but it's prettier with you in it."

I smiled at my mom then I hugged her. We ended up buying the dress which was about sixteen hundred, my mom helped me pay because she knew that I was truly happy with that dress.

Cut back to the twins' Birthday. They were turning three, already! Johnny and I smiled as the kids blew out their candles, we hardly even noticed that Jeff was filming us since we were so caught up in the moment. This week and the next was going to be very emotional; Birthdays, wedding, honeymoon, the start of our movie.

Once Jeff knew that we were going to be making a movie on mine and Johnny's love, Jeff never stopped filming us. Everything was filmed; small conversations, quick kisses, eye contact, hugs. I noticed that the camera was on me often. Had Johnny told Jeff to film me? Whatever it was, I just wanted to see all the images and videos that were taken of me and Johnny.

The wedding was nerve wracking, I was nervous and pretty much shaking the entire time. I got my makeup done then I got undressed out of my — Johnny's — button-up to get dressed into my dress.

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