"But I like her, Callum, Adora." Ez looked down with a disappointed look.

"Hey, look. I like her, too! She's a very nice girl! For real!" Adora told, then looked at her older brother as a sign for him to continue. "But the thing is, she's--"

"An elf? Who cares? It seems maybe everything we've heard about elves is wrong. " Ezran commented.

Adora smiled proudly. He will be a good king.

"No, I was gonna say the thing is...She's not telling us everything. I can feel it." Callum looked at his siblings.

"Now that we're talking about this...I sense that she's hiding something from all of us. Something bad. And I have a doubt it's something about that silver bracelet Moonshadow elf thing." The sister crossed her arms.


The two fought and fought, their weapons clashing and clashing numerous times. Suddenly, they stopped, Corvus glaring at Rayla, while she catches a nice spot from where she can escape from behind the man's back. She ran back and jumped on a tree behind her, the dark-skinned spy still swinging his chain at her. She landed on a big branch, and when she looked back, she saw him throwing his anchor at the branch a bit higher than hers. The elf ran down the big part of the wood, and the human sped on his branch and again threw his weapon towards Rayla's leg, catching her. She let out a yelp of surprise as she dangled around in the air, Corvus slowly raising her up until her feet touched the enormous branch, him being on the one under it.

"Give me the royal children peacefully, and I'll let you go! Release your prisoners."

"They're not prisoners. They choose to travel with me. " The girl angrily said.

The man with a beard changed his facial expression from a deathly one to shocked. "What? Why would they trust you?"

Rayla let out a battle yell as she detangled herself out of the chain and hopped off on a branch. "Because we're in this together! They're my friends now." She grunted after the sentence since she just dodged Corvus' attack with his anchor.

"Friends? You killed their father!" He claimed.

"I didn't kill anyone." She yelled.

"Your leader did. What's the difference?"

The spy with one split eyebrow hit the bough, making Rayla trip and fall, but she managed thankfully to get hold of a branch she caught hold on while her fall. She is holding for dear life with both of her swords, but her bad hand was too wounded to even use it, making her groan and accidentally drop one of her blades. Yet, she used the rest of her whole arm to hold onto the branch better. The new enemy was just in front of her, angrier than ever.

"Wait. They don't know, do they?" He questioned.

The girl looked down and then somersaulted around the branch, landing this time with her feet perfectly on the branch while Corvus fell. She began to run, jumping from the top of one tree to another, until she found a dead end, down a rocky hill. The man catches up with her, swinging his anchor in a circular motion as the metal chains rattle.

"When they find out, they'll hate you. " He spoke with disgust.

"Shut up!" Rayla yelled angrily.

He threw his weapon towards her, the chain tangling to the handle of her blade. He smirked, but his smile suddenly fell when the elf jumped and did a somersault in the air, throwing herself with him, both grunting and screaming.

They fell to the ground, the ex-assassin through some normal-sized three branches, and just as she began to go down the green hill, she stabbed her sword into the grass. While the other was...just rolling down with a bunch of grunts. The violet-eyed elf panted, taking the chain off her and looking back.

𝗦𝘄𝗼𝗿𝗱 𝗚𝗶𝗿𝗹| 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐫𝐚𝐠𝐨𝐧 𝐏𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐜𝐞 | Rayla x Fem. OC |Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu