Chapter 1

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I wish I could just get this over with.

The flowers were beautiful this time of year in the garden, all of them blooming the petals felt so soft on my hand as I walked by. My escort a foot behind me holding an umbrella trying to not let the sun hit me.

This is torture. I turned toward my escort, a tall thin man wearing a butler's uniform and smile sweetly "Could I trouble you for some water?" He bowed and nodded cand handed me the umbrella before walking away swiftly, my mother had been very clear with the staff as to interact with me as little as possible. I could be a troublemaker, and although I did not wish to have anyone get in trouble for my sake, I could not help but need some space.

I turned to see my escort has vanished into the large house and I smirked before briskly walking further away from the garden, it was beautiful do not get me wrong and I would spend a lot for time here if not for being surrounded by ladies and men alike, all wishing to find a suitable husband or wife. Exhausting. I put down my umbrella leaning it against the bushes lining the grass and smiled as I tilted my head up toward the sun. 

As I got closer to the maze and further from the rest of the crowd I smiled even more at the silence from nature, small chirps of birds and the wind. I spotted a shady patch under a tree close to the entrance of the hedge maze and began walking toward it, this dress weighing me down entirely, there had to be at least 7 layers and although the corset was tight, I was used to that kind of support from my practice armor. I so greatly wished I could be at practice right now, my bows string grazing my cheek, and having the ability to move more freely, although I did not like these extravagant dresses because of the lack of mobility, they are quite beautiful, mine was very complimenting I wore a dark green dress wish gold lining it, my golden hair in a bun to match it. 

Mother had gone to a lot for trouble to make sure that I looked nice for this occasion, and I know that she has my best interest at heart, but me and her are not as alike and she would like. She wishes I would find a husband able to take care of me and help provide honor for our family name, but I do not care for such things, the emperor himself could try to marry me and I would only agree if we got along. I understand it though, our family is not high ranking, and we barely have any social standing, but I wish to find someone who enjoys the same things I do, which loves the outdoors and training. 

My head snaps to the right and I see a man leaning against a tree across from me, I blush and look down, I must've been too deep into thought to notice him approach, hopefully he won't tell my escort. I look down at my dress and smile a bit since its green no one will be able to tell that I had been sitting on the grass, not very lady-like. 

"What brings you so far away from the crowd?" he says, his voice sends chills down my spine. I sit up straighter.

"I am not fond of the game in which it takes to find a husband" I cover my mouth with my hand and finally look up at him to take in his appearance, his is quite beautiful.

His hair is long and white, an unusual color, half of it up in a bun. His jaw is sharp, and his face is symmetrical as ever, the only outlier, his nose crooked a bit just enough to make me think, maybe he enjoys a good brawl. I see his chuckle silently; he is of thick build every inch of his body made of muscle; his outfit is that of a black button up and pants adorned with gold shoulder covers and tassels, and a lavish navy blue cape hanging on one shoulder holding gold pendants.

(Imagine this but the white is black, and the buttons are gold)

I could tell by his attire his is of high rank, but since I was raised in a lower-class family, I did not know how to address him or how his clothes give away his title

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I could tell by his attire his is of high rank, but since I was raised in a lower-class family, I did not know how to address him or how his clothes give away his title. I titled my head as I stared at him, "Why are you so far away from the excitement? I'm sure a lot of ladies would like to catch your attention" me saying what I think is really going to bite me in the ass someday. He smirked and turned toward me more " Are you one of them?"

I blushed and looked down "That is not what I meant sir" I stood and brushed my dress off. "Does that mean you do not wish to marry me?"

"I do not even know you sir"

He smirked again, and I looked up into his eyes now that I was close enough to see their color, they were gold. I had not seen such a color before and out of curiosity I took a step forward. He looked down at me and only then did I realize our height difference, he clearly was a head above me but leaned down to come closer. 

Suddenly a bell rang, I snapped my head to look toward the house and then turned back to look at this man, I had not even caught his name. His face was a few inches from mine, and it seemed as if he had not taken his eyes off me. "I shall court you."

I furrowed my eyebrows and quickly said "What makes you think I would let you?". He chuckled and stood up straight making me crane my neck even more. "I know that you do not wish to take your time meeting each of the gentleman here so if you wish to avoid that we must say that I am courting you, however I do intend to win over your affection." He smirked deviously and only then did I nod in agreement, frustrated he was right, if I wanted to be able to practice and enjoy my time without children, I should at least consider his offer.

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