Chapter 14

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The next day at breakfast, the daily prophet arrived and left everyone with dropped jaws. Hadrius Black had only gone and invented the cure for lycanthropy, many couldn't believe that a teenager had solved something that adults couldn't but then again he was Hadrius Black so it made sense.

"Bloody Merlin!" James exclaimed

"I know! When I said he invented the cure for werewolves I was joking!" Sirius replied

"This is amazing" Lily reread the article "I can't believe it! Oh Merlin, I definitely need him to tutor me in potions!"

"Hold on a second" Peter interrupted "if Harry invented the cure for werewolves, then what about Remus?"

Peter's answer came when Remus Lupin skipped into the hall, looking happier than ever before. In fact he was humming and had a dreamy look on his face that would make Luna Lovegood look jealous. He sat down next to his friends, he took his knife and fork and joyfully started eating his food.

"Remus" James said "I probably know the answer here, but are you aware that Harry has made a cure for werewolves?"

"No" Remus replied with a massive smile "I'm not 'aware' because I am no longer a werewolf!" Remus said loudly, not caring if anybody heard him.

"Congratulations!" His friends cheered and began hugging him

"And I've decided" Remus continued speaking "I am going to live my life to the fullest, I'm going to do great in class, get a girl, get married and have a great job"

"Good for you mate!" Sirius and James clapped him on the back

"I think I'll probably name Harry as godfather to my future child" Remus added

"Hey, why can't I be godfather?" James asked

"or me?" Sirius also asked

"When you two invent a life changing potion that could make the lives of hundreds of people better then you can get a godson, not before" Remus said with a grin

Albus Dumbledore chose that moment to walk in, he was in thinking as he usually was, about Hadrius Black. The power coming from that boy was unreal, the boy managed to beat him with a single spell and he still held back. In fact Dumbledore was very worried now, his desire to control Hadrius Black had only increased, he needed to get him firmly in the light before the dark could claim him.

Hadrius Black could be a worse dark lord than Tom ever was, if Hadrius went dark then it's likely that nobody would be able to stop him, Dumbledore had to stop him before the power goes to his head. Yes, it was essential to get him under control but the question now was how he would do it.

Dumbledore sat at the high table, he saw all of the teachers looking joyful and happy, he wasn't sure why. Looking around he saw that Remus Lupin was looking more joyful than anybody he had ever seen, Dumbledore shook his head and took a sip of his pumpkin juice as he looked at the daily prophet and he immediately spat the juice out upon reading it.

'How?!' He shouted in his head, how did Hadrius Black invent a cure for werewolves?! The boy was a parslemouth and had mastered wandless magic, he had also beaten Albus Dumbledore himself and invented a cure for werewolves when years of research couldn't! Was there nothing this boy couldn't do?!

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