Chapter 6

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Sirius made his way over to transfiguration class with his new friends and dorm mates. Peter Pettigrew who seemed alright, Remus Lupin who Harry had met before was a bit shy, and James Potter who seemed like great fun.

"Hi Sirius" A voice called out, Sirius found his cousin Bellatrix walking alongside them with Severus Snape.

"Hi Bell" Sirius smiled

"Don't call me that" She slapped his arm

"Why not? You let Harry call you that?"

"Yes but that's only because he is Harry, and I haven't hexed you for it because you're my cousin"

"I'm touched" Sirius placed a hand on his heart "you have transfigurations as well?"

"Yeah, me and Severus were just held up"

"What by?" James Potter asked

"Some of the older Slytherin's" Snape answered "yesterday Hadrius warned them not to bother us but some of them weren't there to hear the warning and proceeded to bother us as soon as we got out of the common room"

"What happened?" Remus asked

"Truth be told, I'm not sure" Severus replied "he had just grabbed them and took them into a nearby classroom "

"Though the screams do give us a rough idea of what happened" Bellatrix added with a smile. Sirius shivered, but smiled. A pissed off Harry was a scary Harry but then again it was nice that he only ever got angry when protecting people.

Sirius's other friends widened their eyes in shock, Remus saw how dangerous Harry could be and felt a small bit of pity for his victims, while James who had only known of Harry's capabilities through rumours was starting to wonder if they were all true. Peter was also unsure about what he should think, he had only seen the eldest Black brother at the feast.

Upon entering the classroom, they saw Lilly Evans already sitting there alongside Alice, who Harry would recognize as the future Mrs Longbottom. Behind them was Frank Longbottom who was conversing with them, they all took their seats.

On the desk was a cat, who was eyeing them all. Once everyone came in, Sirius had taken a closer look at the cat. He saw that it was unnaturally still and had marks around it's eyes that looked like glasses, Harry had taught him how to recognize an animagus.

Suddenly the door closed, all on it's own and another animal made itself know. A giant wolf walked from behind the desk, and many of the class looked petrified, some even fell off their seats. The direwolf walked forward and growled menacingly. Sirius and Bellatrix smiled as they knew exactly what was going on. Sirius stood up, surprising the class.

"It's alright everybody" He grinned "I'll deal with it"

"Are you mad?" Lily hissed

"He probably is" Bellatrix shrugged "being mad or crazy is quite common in our family"

Sirius marched over to the wolf, confidently, he stopped before the wolf who was taller than him. James was preparing to grab Sirius and pull him back, as was Remus while Peter was about to start praying before he remembered that he didn't know any prayers.

Harry Potter and the Brothers BlackOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora